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wangshu inn
your pov

small a/n, the last part was ment to say are you planning on loving him again? but i changed bc it would be a little confusing, if u like the idea of them being past lovers, just tell me il feel free to change it!
(OK HI I CHANGED IT AGAIN. or rewrite the last part)

"You really like painting when your happy huh?"

"I wanted to laugh at that adeptus."



"Hm, he trusts people to easily, he dosen't know the price of trusting a person so, so easily."

"You do have a point."

"I heard the latern rite is coming soon, would you like to go?"

"Why not."

"And, when will we start our search?"


You were a cruel person, how time has changed you, a very very sweet adeptus, who would love everything, the nicest person of all teyvat, be like this?

They gave up on life, theres no more hope left in their heart, which was once in the stars, twinkling brightly, turned into the moon, lonely, only shining bright in certain times. They were in pain all the time, but, they wanted it to stop, they wanted to have freedom, be free like a bird.

You just let out an chuckle, laughing at yourself, who was very deep on thoughts.

You suddenly snapped out of your thoughts, by a calm voice in the wind on the balcony of the inn.

"Mortal, what are you doing here awake."

"And who are you to decide what time i sleep?"

"You do not have respect for the adepti mere mortal."

"Stupid dumb fuck." You mumbled to yourself.


"Nevermind." You said, walking away from the scene.

"..." Xiao kept silent, as he watched your figure leave the balcony.

"You aren't a mortal at all arent you?"

your pov

You were walking around Liyue harbor, looking for something entertaining to do on your free time.


"you're awfully silent today."

"its nothing."

"tell me."

"i tell you whats on my mind, why dont you tell me yours?"


"Alright then, i wonr force you."

You decided to head to Wanmin Resturant, to feed your hungry stomach, but also see your beloved friend, Xiangling.

"Hello! Is Xiangling here?" You asked her father.

"Shes over on the back."

"Thank you!"

Walking to the back of Wanmin Resturant, you heard a loud sigh, recognizing whos sigh was it.

"Xiangling, whats wrong?"

"Ah Y/N! I didnt see you there.."


"Is just that- I ran out of flowers for a dish im currently making, im panicking Y/N, you could help me right?"

You sighed, "Sure, what flowers?"



Here you are on Huaguang Stone Forest, looking for qingxins, its not that hard right..?

"Im so fucking done with this." As you stared one last qingxin to pick up, and it was on top of a cliff.

You streched a bit, preparing yourself to climb the cliff.


"And im almost done with your screaming."


You panted as you arrived on top of the cliff, grinning like a child who just praked one of their friends while running away from them.


"Okay, where is that last qingxin."

Observing the top of the cliff, you saw the solution to all your problems.




until next time, isabell~

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