A Walk to Remember

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"Let me go! Get off of me!" I squealed as Josh kept tickling me. "Hehehe ohmygod. St-stop i-it!"

"Now Laurel, what do we say?"

"Plea-get off of me dick head, and don't touch me again." Josh's smirk soon turned into a flame of anger. He bit his lower lip as he stood up and walked off like nothing happened.

"Uhm what in the hell was that?!"

"I don't even know." I said in a 'I'm gunna kill that creep' sort of tone. Coral looked worried, but at the same time, she looked like she was about to burst out laughing. But I was used to that, Coral would laugh at even the most depressing things, one of the reasons why she's my best friend.

"Should I call the police and file a complaint for sexual harassment?" I simply gave her a half hearted laugh as we both walked towards the p.e. locker rooms and quickly got dressed. When Coral and I arrived at the blacktop I soon noticed a boy wearing a blue collared Hollister shirt, and light brown khaki shorts. He brushed his hands through his light brown gorgeous hair as the wind blew past him making it the perfect picture.

"Laurel? Uh hello?! Are you even listening to me?! LAUREL!" Coral snapped bringing my focus back to her.

"Yeah sorry, what were you saying?"

"So, when Niall and I get married, which we totally are, should I..." I blocked out every word she said as I kept my eyes locked on the boy in the blue shirt.

"Hey Coral, who's that over there?" I asked pointing over to the guy I couldn't keep my eyes off.

"Oh him? I have science with him, his name's Don or something, he's new. But he never talks." I was seriously contemplating whether I should go over and say hi to him, but I was too nervous and I usually never make a good first impression.

"Alright class, gather in!" We all simultaneously walked towards our coach, Mr. Harold, as he started taking roll.


*Ring ring. Sorry, the number you have tried to reach is currently unavailable, please leave a message at the beep. Beeeeep*

Ugh. It was 3:50 and still no one had come to pick me up. My mother was probably at church and totally forgot to pick me up. I'll just walk home, a full 2 mile walk. Oh and did I forget to mention, it's freaking pouring rain! But no big deal.

"Ugh! I seriously need to get a car!" I mumbled under my breath. I started walking through a back route which lead to my house. I heard footsteps following me for the past 10 minutes, they got closer and closer. My first thought was 'if it's a rapist, just kick him in the balls and run for your life' I turned around, ready for my not so good Kungfu Panda skills to finally come into use, but to my surprise it wasn't a rapist, just the new boy from my p.e. class. I sighed in relief.

"Hey you're the new kid, right?" I yelled over the rain. But he didn't say anything, just slowed walked up to me and cover the umbrella over the both of us. "Oh uh thanks! I'm Laurel by the way, what's your name?" Still he said nothing.

He walked me all the way home without saying a single word. I tried my best to make a conversation, but every time I did, he would just look down at his feet. Once I got to my front door I thanked him and asked if he wanted to come inside and get a drink but he just shook his head and walked off towards the house next door, he gave me a cute little smile before he went inside.

I caught a quick glance over at his house, it used to be a small, petite house, but it looks like someone did some renovation. I never noticed it before, but his house was freaking 4 stories tall. It was a huge mansion, with 2 Ferrari's in the drive way. I know what you're thinking, how could I have not realize there was this huge Hollywood type house right next door? Well I don't notice a lot of things, so don't judge. "What the.." I mentally shook my head and walked into my house, still in awe over his ginormous house.

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