"beep." "beep." My alarm signals that its time to get up and face the day. I climb out of bed and my feet hit the cold hard ground. As I drag my feet across the wooden floor my phone rings. I struggle to find it in the mess of papers and books scattered on my desk. I find it the screen reads " Con" my stomach goes straight to my throat. I answer and we talk for what fells like ages but was really 10 minutes. All I can recall of the conversation was him just reminding me about out coffee "date" today.
As I walk in the front door Tyler, Kian and Jc are waiting by my locker. I avoid eye contact as much as possible but Kian yells "Hey Troye come here for a sec?" I instantly regretted my decision on going over there.
"So what are you doing after school?"
"I don't know. Why do you ask?" I say as my face turns bright red.
"Just wondering." Tyler said in kinda
sarcastic tone.
"Look guys I have to go to class." And I nervously walk away. Jc shouts "Good Luck on your English exam." As I turn the corner.