Pratidhi Parva

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She was in white attire. Her Churamani and jewellery were all taken away. She sat numbly in front of his dead body for a whole day, pregnant with his heir, looking at his face as though he was asleep. He had told her more than once that this day could come and that she had to protect their heir. He feared her future without him. That one day turned the fifteen-year-old Princess of Matsya into an aged lady. She became quiet and aloof. Her only concern now was her baby. Her baby wiggled in her womb. She remembered him saying,
" I will always be with you."
All she wanted now was a son like his father. But she knew all Hastinapur wanted was an heir, to the throne. The war had ended five days after his death and they were back in the palace of Hastinapur victorious. She, for the first time, entered her real in-laws' home but without him. All she could remember was his dream, " I will see Tatshri sit at the throne, I will see the palaces where Father grew up."

She was led to one of the large chambers of the Andarmahal. She sank into the comfort of her bed, numb. The people of the palace were busy either mourning or making preparations for the new king. She looked away from both. Her mother-in-law came in with Raajmata Kunti and Queen Gandhari. They were here to bless her and her child. She felt weak and could not get up.

" Uttara now you are giving us the only reason to live Putri. Fill the palace with the cry of a baby that surpasses the wails of the widow." Kunti blessed her. Gandhari was in tears. " Your baby is the only future we have Uttara."
That night as she walked around the ghostly palace like a body without a soul she saw a shadow move.
" Maata? Raajmaata?"
No replies. The brave Uttara moved slowly up the corridor. Holding her baby in her belly had made walking quite tiresome. Suddenly the shadow sprang in front of her. The moonlight revealed the face. The eyes were shining like that of a wolf who has hunted his prey.
" Guru Putra Aswathama?" Light filled the room and Uttara shrieked. Her vision blurred. She could feel her body crashing to the ground.

When she woke up all of Kuru Vansh was in front of her. At least all of the little that was left. The vaidyas ran around the room making medicines. Her mothers-in-law were beside her.
" What happened to me? My baby?"
" Everything is fine Uttara, Aswathama had attacked to seek revenge. Govind saved you two." Panchali forced a smile. The concerned Uttara touched her child. She thanked Madhav with all her heart in her quiet way.

The vaidyas were concerned. It was time, yet no sign of labour. They gave her all kinds of medicines to induce pain. The next morning she woke in pain. The chamber was made comfortable for childbirth and all the ladies were with her waiting for Abhimanyu's heir to be born. To her, this pain was nothing compared to the loss of her family. Her father, brothers and her husband. At last, the baby was born. But it did not cry. Everyone was in horror. After all this, it can't be a dead child. Uttara crushed back to her bed. Silent tears fell. Krishna got up. He took the child and a miracle happened. The wails of the newborn filled the air, the heir was here, and the future was secure. Uttara took her newborn in her arms.

" Call him Parikshit because he was born fighting difficulties," Krishna spoke.
Uttara kissed her baby boy. She saw he had the nose of his father. How happy would he have been if he could take his child in his arms? Play with him? teach him archery? A tear fell from Uttara's eyes to the baby's hand and he was startled. Hugging her baby Uttara silently made a promise. I will teach you to fight in this world as your father lived. I will make you what he wanted you to be.
The palace celebrated after days, and astrologers were called in. They predicted a bright future in this reign and the next. They predicted the newborn would help usher in a new era. Everyone was happy. Soon her baby could crawl and learnt new things each day. The toddler ran around the palace with everyone chasing him, Laughs and giggles filled the air. She was now the respected Queen of Hastinapur, mother to the Prince, something her mother always dreamt of. But she alone knew the price she paid for it.

He started learning Vedas, his grandmother started his archery and horse riding lessons. Kripacharya was appointed as his Guru. Uttara saw his first bruises and that scared her. She remembered years ago when she used to nurse his father's training bruises. That day still haunted her life. He read out the Vedas to her. He told her what he learnt. Parikshit's mother was impressed. He was as intelligent as him. He often asked her, " Maata how was Father?" And she put him to sleep with stories of his valiant father's short life.

He was crowned future king. He called pandits from all parts of Aryavarth in an attempt to rediscover and rewrite the Vedic texts that were lost in words. Thus began the journey of the first written Vedic texts of the civilisation. He was praised by all pandits. Rajkumar Parikshit Maata Uttara couldn't be more proud. He was praised for his warrior skills, His looks reminded him of his father, He was true to all her hopes alive in flesh and blood, ready to rule the empire and usher in a bright future. With a smile, Uttara looked down from the balcony as her son waved to her from horseback before going on yet another hunting expedition. Thirty-year-old Uttara felt old enough to marry her son and finally rest from her most tragic married life. She wondered when he would come back triumphant so that she could discuss this issue with her in-laws.

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