Chapter 1: Well Fu-

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*slowly flinching and groans in pain on the ground*

*slowly gets up* Fucking piece of shit Taser *cough* Alright, how many bags are left?

*LULULULULULULU noises in the background*

Oh fucking hell.

"I know, I know. I'm late."


Has it ever occured to you that, in one moment, with only one fail, your life will end at that very moment? I have, several times in fact. Whether it was from my own blunders, such as forgetting the necessity of sustenance, or if it was an outside interference, such as a stray bullet lodged itself into my body. I have always brushed sides with death. Yet no matter how many times we grazed our shoulders and met, death never looked me in the eye.

Death never came to pick me up, death never came to take me away. It merely grazed me before leaving as fast as it came. Maybe that was the cause of why I'm so nonchalant on high risk jobs. I know i won't die, because i haven't died before, why would i die now.

[Cloaker, Grimm at 12 o'clock, 2 wolves, over.]

Okay, I admit, that sounds highly insane and that I need a psychiatrist…. And I do need serious help before I do something dangerous.

[You're monologuing in your head again, aren't you?]

"Way to ruin my mood."

I pointed the Compact-5 to the front, my finger is ready on the trigger. Because of my night vision goggles, I can see the incoming Grimm. Probably patrols, they look young. I quickly fired at their exposed parts, the attached suppressor helping me to stay stealthy.

"Cloaker to Helios, hostiles neutralized, over."

[Copy. The office should be 5 meters in front of you, stay frosty. Signal me when you're ready. Remember, just take out the bomb and if you can, save the hostages. Atlas will handle the rest, over.]

"Copy that, Cloaker out."

I walked 5 meters forward and looked up. This should be a good spot. I grabbed the plastic explosive from my bag and tried to plant it, but i'm too short to reach it. Clicking my tongue, I used my nightstick to push it up. Making sure it stays on, I retreated back and signaled Helios.

"Helios, this is Cloaker, explosives have been planted. Light em up."

[Solid copy Cloaker, be advised, i don't really know how much they're using.]

"Copy that, be advised, stop staring at Specialist Schnee's ass. Cloaker out."

[Roger that, (whisper) how did he know?!]

I hid behind a wall to protect myself from the blast. I checked the time, it was almost lunch. If this goes well, I can probably find a nearby restaurant or something. Does Atlas have some local cuisines I can try? If push comes to shove, I'll just use a favor from the Captain to get me a table on a fancy restaurant.


The plastic explosives that I planted have been detonated, which means the distraction is ongoing. I left my cover and jumped to grab the opening above me. I can hear footsteps above me, so I quickly pulled myself up and into the office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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