Chapter 3

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It's been two month ever since the existence of Edogawa Harumi were introduced for the world and Harumi make her name known as high school detective girl from East or Heisei Irene. Her name were rocketed from social media because she manage to solve the case in recorded time making the police division 1 impressed at her skill.

They even compared her with Kudou Shinichi and some of the fans ship them because of the name the two reserve, Shinichi is Holmes while Harumi is Irene. That's make Kaito scowled in protest and denial, Aoi seeing the sight of his furious best friend look amused.

Harumi spend her time with her childhood friend, sometimes she would hang out with Kaito and Aoi but not so much because she need a girl friend. A friend that understand her, know her. But with her reputation and her look, every girl in their class jealous of her for the attention she got from the two hottest guy in the school and one of them already fall in love wit her. And that's resulting for her almost get bullied but she proved that she isn't the one that easily mess with, her eyes would turn cold like ice making the bully shiver in fear and her strength to punch the wall (something she learn from Ran) when she's angry resulting the wall crack and make the delinquent run in fright and fear.

Everyone at the school would call her ice queen because of her coldness attitude to everyone that tried to get in her bad side but they would also call her flower princess when she show them her good side. Cheerful, kind, shy, tactful, wayward, friendly, sweet, thoughtful, charisma and most charming girl making the girls in the school squeal whenever they saw her. She also very dense, Kaito have tried to make a move at her but she didn't got the message makes the magician frustrated and Aoi amusement.

The relationship between Aoi and Ran were getting good and their starting to get closer with each other. With Ran sometime come to visit Harumi at Ekoda, the boys would always be with her and the four would hang out together. Try a new café that just open recently or go shopping, well mostly the girls but the boys companied them to make sure the girls didn't get in trouble or molested. The first time the four of them hang out together, Kaito and Aoi was groaned in annoyance and frustration. When the two beautiful girls walking in the public, there was some shameless mans trying to make a move at the two without care of Kaito and Aoi murderous aura that they were releasing toward them.

They saw how Harumi growled at the molester to back off and decline their shameless offer harshly while Ran shyly decline politely. The boys had had enough when one of the mans tried to force Harumi with pulling her wrist harshly. Kaito gave the man a hard punch on him and pulling Harumi in his embrace while give a death glare and release his killing intent at the man if their tried more funny thing to her making the man back off from him and Harumi in fear.

While Aoi pulled Ran to him and put his hand on her waist, and his expression look calm but his eyes give a cold glare to the man in their vicinity. The mans shiver in fear at the glare and all of them run in fright. Harumi and Ran blinked and look at their companion in wonder.

Whenever they go to shopping, the boys would always look amused at the scene of two girls arguing about the clothes. With Ran forcing Harumi to tried a few of the clothes she choose and Harumi would back away and keep saying is to girly. When Harumi pick her own choice, Ran would protest that it's too boyish and that's starting the argument between the two.

Anyway, back to present.

Kaito and Aoi were with Harumi just like always, walking her home after school. When they arrive at her apartment, they saw there was a black sport car parking in front of her apartment entrance and there was a woman wearing maroon blouse and sunglasses leaning at the car. The women had sand blonde curly hair, they can't see her eyes because of her sunglasses and the woman look like she in her early thirty.

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