Some Time Ago

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Sarah sat at the table with her mum, staring down at the headline. It was less than flattering.

'Local crime family involved in murder plotA young girl from the Brunswick area is suspected of third-degree murder after a man broke into her home in the middle of the night. Her father was also killed during the incident, and many believe there is more to this strange story. The family is well known to the police, and have been part of many previous investigations. Is it possible that this girl murdered her own father? Find out more on page three.'

It was last weeks paper. The police had cleared her of murder early on in their investigation, but the press didn't care. As long as it sold.

'Try not to worry,' said Sandra, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. 'They don't know what really happened.'

Sarah didn't say a word. She didn't need to. Her mother got up, wincing slightly as she moved her leg. It had healed well, according to the doctors, but it would pain her for a long time.

'Have you finished packing?'

Sarah nodded.

'Said goodbye to everyone?'

She nodded again, staring at the floor. Most of her friends wouldn't talk to her now. All of their parents had seen the papers.

Sandra tottered away and went to boil the kettle. Meanwhile, Sarah didn't take her eyes off the headline. How are they allowed to do this? They didn't have a clue what they were talking about.Sarah hadn't been told where they were going yet, but she had been assured it would be somewhere nice. And that they would stay there for a while. People who needed the level of protection they did were normally in it for some time. But, after the trial, she'd be able to come back here, if she wanted. Yet, Sarah had a feeling she'd never see this place again.

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