🎵 April Love

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im not sorry for writing this one LMAO


Austin watched as you walked down the aisle, a vision of elegance.

A smile tickled his lips but it fell when you reached the alter, taking the hands of another man in yours.

'April love is for the very young'

The congregation took their seats and so did Austin as the officiant began to speak.

'every star's a wishing star that shines for you'

"We are gathered here this morning to witness the holy binding of these two souls, Y/n L/n and Benjamin Montgomery..."

'april love is all the seven wonders
one little kiss can tell you this is true'

Y/n smiled at Ben through veil, unable to contain her joy.

'sometimes an april day will suddenly bring showers'

Austin had a frown on his face as he watched the two of share loving gazes with each other.

'rain to grow the flowers for her first bouquet '

The ceremony went by quickly, Benjamin and Y/n occasionally cracking small jokes with one another. By the time the vows came, Austin felt himself breaking.

'but april love can slip right
thru your fingers'

"Do you, Benjamin Montgomery, take Y/n L/n as your lawfully wedded wife? Do you swear to love her in all circumstances, good and bad, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse for the rest of your life till death shall part you both?"

Ben nodded and smiled. "I do."

'so if she's the one, don't let her run away'

'It should've been me' Austin thought. 'I should be up there with her, holding her hands, saying I-'

The officiants voice cut through his mental rant.

'april love is for the very young'

"And do you, Y/n L/n, take Benjamin Montgomery as your lawfully wedded husband? Do you swear to love him in all circumstances, good and bad, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse for the rest of your life till death shall part you both?"

Y/n's smile grew, the love in her eyes evident, even through her veil.

"I do."

'every star's a wishing star that shines for you'

The officiant closed his book. "And before these to shall be wed, does anyone object the union between these two individuals, and if so, speak now or forever hold your peace."

'april love is all the seven wonders'

Austin cracked his knuckles, unsure whether to stand up or not. His heart rate sped up and he decided to remain seated. He loved her way too much to publicly hurt her like that.

"Then, by the power vested in me, I announce you both husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

'one little kiss can tell you this is true'

Cheers erupted from the guests as Ben pulled back her veil. They both smiled at each other before leaning in for a sweet, passionate kiss.

Austin couldn't bring himself to watch. His heart broke and longed for Y/n. He wanted another chance with her but it was too late.

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