Unexpectedly Expecting

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another request!! enjoy!


You leaned against the bathroom counter your heart full.


You smiled as you tightly gripped the pregnancy test in your hands, sighing to yourself.

Your entire life you were told that the chances of having children were incredibly slim, but here you were, unexpectedly expecting.

Before your excitement could truly get the better of you, you thought back to your fiancée.

How would he react? Did he even want kids? You and Austin never really discussed starting a family so whether he wanted to or not, it was unknown to you.

Shrugging your shoulders, you turned towards the sink and washed the test off and drying it before putting in in your pocket.

Giving yourself a mental pep talk, you emerged from the bathroom and made your way over to Austin, who was sitting at the table, eating his breakfast.

"Good morning love!!" you said with a smile.

Austin tore his eyes from his breakfast and looked up at you.

"You seem happy." he replied with a small smile. "After a week of pushing me away every morning, now you're yourself again."

You pulled up a chair and say next to him. "Well, I have a reason for that."

He set his fork down and folded his hands on table, his smile getting bigger.


You nodded. "Yep."

"Tell me what's up."

Letting out a deep breath, as you mentally told yourself to remain calm.

"So the reason why I've been acting all weird lately was because I was sick. But I'm feeling much, much better."

The grin on your face was uncontrollable and Austin seemed amused.

"So? What was wrong baby?"

You smiled at the last word, reaching into your pocket, pulling out the test and handing it to him.

"I'm pregnant!"

His smile fell as he took the test in his hands.

The house fell silent and your happy mood dimmed.

"Austin?" you questioned. "Did you hear? I said-"

"Yeah, I heard you." he answered, cutting you off.

A frown settled upon your face.

The sound of the test clattering on the table shocked you.

Austin stood from his chair pacing around for a bit before turning to you.

"Pregnant? Y/n are you kidding me?"

You shook your head. "Excuse me?"

He let out a groan of frustration and ran both his hands through his hair. "My career literally just took off! I can't be a dad now! I have so many different things to do with the movie and the press-"

He continued to ramble on and something inside of you snapped.

The film "Elvis" had just come out a few months ago and Austin was at the top of his game. His face and name was everywhere and he was traveling all over the world.

His rant eneded and he turned to you, a hand in the stupid jacket that he always wore and the other hand fiddling with his hair.

"Y/n, I'm sorry but we're not ready for this. We're so young! This is not- I don't-."

You got up from your seat, fuming.

"You know Austin, me getting pregnant was not a one person job! You are just as responsible as I am!"

He opened his mouth to speak but you kept talking.

"And don't even try that "we're not ready, we're so young " shit with me. You're fucking 30 years old! I'm 27! If anything you should be happy! Or excited! Not," you waved your hands towards him. "bitching about this."

He closed his mouth, pressing his lips together, silent.

Tears gathered in your eyes. "Don't you want this baby Austin?"

He looked at you for a brief moment before shifting his eyes to the ground.

The sounds of your labored breaths drifted in the air, filling the silence.

You scoffed, unable to actually process what was happening.

"Wow. That's all I need to know.

Pushing past him, you bolted to the room the two of you shared grabbing your phone and purse before walking back out and grabbing the car keys off the counter.

"Y/n." he sighed.

"Don't even."

You walked to the front door unlocking it and stepping out. Before you were fully outside, Austin had rushed up to you and grabbed your arm.

"Where are you going? I'm sorry!" he said. "Y/n, why are you acting so irrationally?"

You turned to him, upset and heartbroken.

"Because that's how pregnant women act."

Wrenching your arm out of his grip, you briskly walked to his car and got in before starting it up and taking off.



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