Chapter 6

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The ugly bitch has been staring at me the whole time we have recorded. Oh no! She's coming over to talk to me. I don't give a damn about anything the Estonian has to say to me. I. DO. NOT. CARE!
"Hey there, Irishman."
"Hillow mate!" I replied, sarcastically. I wanted to get to know her and sabotage her and Harrypoo's relationship.
"Soo... I think your songs are on fleek! You should come to my place tonight and we could do a little writing sesh," she suggested.
"Yer, sure. Gimme your phone," I replied.
She handed me her phone and I gave her my number.
"Text me the details," I winked at her.
I care about Harrymunch a lot. So no, I am not sabotaging him. It's for his own good. Like he said, he likes to see ass in the mornings and her's just doesn't meet my dear Harry's standards. He needs the REAL Irish ass.


The ugly underwear girl did text me. I half hoped she wouldn't, so she wouldn't of ruined my evening, but I really need her to loose interest in my beloved Harbear.
So here I am knocking on her apartment door with my guitar that has an Irish flag on it on my back. I'm wearing my casual tracksuit that on the back has Leprechauns.
The ugly frog opens the door and she probably has make-up on but I don't really want to look at her face more than I have to.

A leprechaun, Englishman and a model | love triangle one direction | english Where stories live. Discover now