ever so slightly/daily and nightly

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he/they fan baybey >:]

Fan was not like other contestants, and they did not mean that in a good way. He was awkward and paranoid – a coffee-stained page in an otherwise clean book. They were different, and despite everyone telling him that was good, it was the worst thing that ever happened to him.

Who could blame them if he loved to watch people? The inhabitants of the hotel had been growing closer ever since Trophy and Cheesy had become acquainted; something that Fan found awfully strange. They vowed to investigate it – after he finished their newest project with Test Tube of course.

"Golly, I just can't stop chipping the paint here, can I?"

Being friends with Test Tube again was the greatest thing since sliced bread for the avid blogger. He admired the scientist's genius greatly, but knowing that even she could make mistakes made the rift between their contrasting personalities a little smaller. The egg had brought them together and tore them apart, but here they were; together, once again.

Fan was glad that they were able to start another project with Test Tube, even if he didn't play the largest role.

"Could you pass me the Tango pink, sweetie?"

They blushed at her words, nodding as he brought over the paint bucket. Did he mention that the two were dating? No? Well now you know.

Test Tube strategically painted over where the metal was now visible, patching it up to seem as if it were never there.

"Brilliant! I'll get to coding now. Do you think you could deliver some breakfast to Paintbrush for me?"

The scientist gestured to a plate of well-coated waffles (not glowing this time, phew). Fan nodded, happy to finally feel at least somewhat useful to her. They balanced the plate in one hand, typing on his phone with the other as they left the lab in search of Paintbrush.

It had been almost a week since Trophy and Cheesy's confession, and things had been going quite well since then. Cheesy became an active subject in Trophy's photography – his favourite subject even – and Cheesy had started writing cheesy love notes to his partner. Both boys were loving every slice of time that they'd spend with one another. Whether it was 'hi's' or 'hello's' in the hallways, meeting at breakfast and continuing their day from there, or photography dates – each moment was a polaroid in the scrapbook that was Trophy's mind.
(E/N: i'm having too much fun with jokes) (A/N i'm having fun watching you make them)

"Aaaand, done!"

"Yorkshire Blue! That took a lot more effort than I egg-spected. How do I look?"

Trophy grinned as the picture began to develop. There stood Cheesy, his boyfriend, dressed in Salt and Pepper's new outfit idea.

"So, how does it, like, look?"

Trophy shot her an appraising thumbs up, while Cheesy ran over to tell Salt how much he loved the outfit.

'She's surprisingly bearable when she isn't gawking over OJ 24/7', Trophy mentally noted.

"Heya Trophs?"

The photographer stood up from where he kneeled, blushing as he hummed in response.

"I, uh, had this even cheddar outfit I wanted to show you. Do you wanna come to my room so I can, uh, give you a crumb of it?"

"Sure thing, Cheese-ball."

The comedian blushed heavily, ecstatically skipping over and intertwining his hands with his boyfriend's.

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