Chapter 15: Double Action

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"You know, I'm not quite sure what your plan is, darling. Because if you shoot me, then you're never getting off this ship. At least I'm civil towards you. I can't guarantee that for the rest of my crew, especially if I'm gone."

"Then don't make me shoot you," I warn. The only firearm on him earlier was a flintlock rifle—too conspicuous for my needs, so I left it in his cabin. And I'm absolutely not going to learn how to use one. His arrogance to carry around an essentially useless weapon while near me is irritating. We're currently taking the emergency escape passageways. Dim, small, and dusty, but hopefully vacant. I haven't seen a single person, other than Felix, so far.

"What I'm trying to say is that you have no bargaining chip with me dead," he states, walking in front of me with his hands up, the revolver in my grasp mere centimeters away from his back. "You won't shoot, because nobody else is going to find you a way out."

"Try me."

"I wager you don't even know how to use that six-shooter."

"The safety looks a little weird, but I'm sure it works the same."

He laughs so hard he chokes. When he finally recovers, he explains, "Oh, sweetie, that's a double-action revolver. There is no safety. The weapon will fire as long as you really mean it when you pull the trigger."

"Thanks for the advice."

"I guess technically you can cock the hammer first and then pull the trigger, which is also known as single-action, but why would—well, perhaps it's a bit more accurate, but in such close quarters—"

"Do you ever stop talking?"

"Oi, just trying to impart some wisdom to the younger generation."

"Not my fault your taste in weapons is appalling. And I'm not that young."

"Darling, you're half my age," he asserts, turning his head to look over his shoulder at me. He smirks. "But I'm delighted you feel that way."

He slows down, so I nudge him with the gun. "Eyes ahead," I order. "And keep moving."

He sighs, picking up the pace. "Why are you being so... meddlesome? I said I would help you."

"If that were true, we'd already be off this ship."

"It's not that simple. Boss is always watching."

I dig the revolver into his spine until he gasps. "I thought you said there'd be no cameras this way?"

"No cameras that I know of, but this ship is highly monitored, particularly now that it's transporting..." he pauses, looking at me out of the corner of his eye, "precious cargo."

He stares at me for a few more seconds, and we continue, climbing up several flights of stairs and rounding a corner into another hallway. I totter.

There's a man hunched over a wall socket.

My blood freezes into fire, and my brain goes into overdrive. Before Felix can blink, I secure the gun flat against his back—as a reminder—and lean into his side, whispering in his ear, "Put your arms down, one around me. Don't speak unless you have to."

Felix gingerly places a hand on my waist, and we walk together.

The man lifts his head, and I take in his russet hair, black eyes behind safety goggles, and puzzled expression. He's in his twenties, maybe early thirties, with a labyrinthine cross tattoo on the side of his neck. "Captain Oringo," he addresses Felix, standing up to reveal he's wearing specialty gloves and holding a screwdriver. "What're you doing here?"

"Good evening to you too, Thomson," Felix leisurely replies.

Dipping his head, Thomson smiles. "Sorry, sir. I'm just not used to seeing anybody in these halls."

"Then why, may I inquire, are you down here?"

"Oh, you know, just looking to clear my head. And then I noticed that this electrical outlet was a little loose—not that we're ever gonna need to use it—but you never know..." he trails off, running his gaze down my dress, to my boots, and back up to my eyes. "Is this—?"

"Yes," Felix interrupts. "Ailee, meet Gunner Thomson Bale, the best artillery leader and mechanic this ship's ever seen. He really knows his way around nuclear missiles, e-bombs, and high-energy lasers, among other munitions."

"Second-best," Thomson amends with a pointed look at Felix. The Captain shrugs but doesn't provide an explicit response. Thomson holds out his right hand. "Nice to meet you, Ailee. Please, call me 'Thomson.' Titles bore me."

"And yet you still refer to me as 'Captain,'" Felix retorts.

Thomson smiles smugly. "I meant my own title." He turns back to me. "Speaking of... what do you want to be called?"

His arm is still raised in midair between us. Clutching my right hand tighter around the hidden revolver, I realize that I'm not going to be able to shake his hand properly. I offer my left hand instead, justifying, "I apologize, I'm a little..." I look at Felix, "wrapped up, at the moment."

Thomson steps back, crossing his arms as he analyzes me.

"And 'Ailee' is fine," I add, struggling to keep my breathing even. If I pass out now, I'm done for.

"Oh, I get it..." Thomson's wary gaze morphs into resolution.

"Nothing to 'get,' Thomson, just taking the girl to scavenge some dinner," Felix interjects.

"The galley is back where you came."

"... not that kind of dinner," Felix winks.

I roll my eyes.

"But, sir... your room is that way too," Thomson tries again.

"I'm well aware of where it is, Gunner Bale. We're taking the long way. Any more questions?"

Thomson's severe gaze breaks into a smile as he claps Felix's shoulder. "I knew it, you lucky son of a doxy! Daughter of a UE Admiral?" He tilts his head toward me and playfully whispers, "He's not forcing himself on you, is he? 'Cause we don't allow that here, Quartermaster or not."

"Oh, please—"

"Actually, I think he's the one under my control," I say, grinning cheekily at Felix while tapping the gun against his back. He glowers at me.

Thomson whistles, then laughs, "Damn, I almost believe you!" He pokes Felix's chest. "You better keep your Earth girlfriend on a leash before she leaks all our data to her home planet and takes control of this ship."

Felix glares at him. "You want to rephrase that?"

I ponder, "Now there's an idea."

Thomson grins. "See?"

"You get out of here before I space you!" Felix threatens.

"Yeah, yeah, okay." Thomson packs up his tools and strides around us, heading in the opposite direction. I circle my arm around Felix so that the gun is now facing his crotch, keeping the weapon out of Thomson's sight. A disappearing voice far behind yells, "Hey Captain, Ailee, if you wanna make it a fiesta, you know where to find me!"

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