Chapter 25: Tea Party

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Doctor River stops by my room early the next day, a Saturday—exactly a week since the disastrous mission to Mars—to drop off a tube of cream that heals minor cuts and bruises. Unnecessary, but kind of her. I notice she wears a silver wedding band with embedded opals and turquoise on her right hand.

I place a "Do Not Disturb" notification outside my door and spend the rest of the day sleeping, absolutely exhausted. When I wake at around nineteen-hundred hours, I open my portal to see a couple messages from Timour, Felix, and even one from Thomson. Timour's messages read:

11:25 Hey Ailee. You okay? Want to meet for lunch?

12:03 I passed by your room, and it seems you are busy. Let me know if you're alright.

18:51 I apologize for messaging you so frequently haha. I'm just worried. Let me know if you're up for dinner.

I reply:

19:04 Sorry for not responding sooner, I was tired. I'm gonna go to the gym before dinner, so don't worry about me :). Were you invited to afternoon tea with Felix?

I close the chat with Timour and open the one with Felix. His messages read:

10:30 Morning love, ready for a tour of the ship?

13:56 How are you holding up?

18:07 If you're dead, this will have been a very bad investment.

I scoff, responding:

19:05 Gambling is a loser's game. I can get around using the map, but thank you for offering. See you tomorrow.

I'm about to open Thomson's chat, but Timour's message chimes in, distracting me:

19:06 Yeah, I got the invite. Let me know when you finish your workout, and we can go to dinner together :)

Quickly, I text back along with a green tea emoji:

19:06 No, please go ahead. I don't want to hold you up. We'll meet tomorrow for "tea."

He sees the message, but after a minute of him not responding, I move on to Thomson's chat. The one message says:

12:31 Hi Ailee!! Hope you are well. Can we talk soon?

The last time I saw Thomson, he wasn't in a great mood. I'm glad he's happier, but messages can easily mask true emotions. I reply:

19:08 Hey Thomson, I'm doing pretty well for a prisoner. Hope you are well too. We can talk anytime I'm available on my calendar. You can create a time block to meet if you'd like.

I ignore my portal while changing into running clothes, but check it once more before I exit the cabin, catching Timour's incoming message:

19:12 No problem. Have a good workout =)

I heart the message and clear my head for the next hour.

* * *

The galley Blue Horizon is still open late at night, with pre-portioned meals on plates under heat lamps and dessert showcased in see-through freezers. The room is a quarter full, with Cosmics huddled into little groups around fancy tables, gossiping. I pick out a plate of spinach, tomatoes, blueberries, chickpeas, walnuts, and farro; grab a glass of water and a fork; and head to a table in the corner. I almost drop my food when I see who's sitting there.

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