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As night fell upon the glade, laughter began to rise amongst the gladers

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As night fell upon the glade, laughter began to rise amongst the gladers.
A large bonfire sat in the centre of the commotion, burning brightly and fiercely.
The newest addition to the glade could be seen sat against a log staring into the glowing abyss, lost in thought. She had been thrown into a new lifestyle with no time to adapt, she didn't think she was ready. She believed herself to be confident and fearless but everyone has their limits and Rosalie believed this could be hers, not that she could remember anything from 24 hours prior.
But here she was, stuck with who knows how many boys who have never seen a girl in their lives, with no memory of who she is or what she even looks like. To say she was overwhelmed was an understatement.

Her thoughts were broken by someone taking a seat next to her. She glanced to her right to see the blonde boy while she has become aquatinted to earlier in the day, Newt , she remembers him being called.
He was resting against the log with a blue jar of yellow liquid in his left hand and his right hand brushing through his messy hair.
"Hey", Rosalie spoke first, unsure as to why he had chosen to come and sit with her.
"Hey greenie, you alright?", Newt responded with a warm smile gracing his tired face.
Truthfully she wanted to say no she wasn't alright, she was freaking out. She wanted to run back into the box she came from and beg whoever sent her here to send her home. but instead she said, "Yeah i'm fine, just feeling a little awkward," with a shy laugh.
"I understand how you're feeling, we all felt like that on our first day. some worse than others. But how about i introduce you to some people?", Newt suggested as he rose to his feet. He extended a hand out to help her up. She took his hand and stood up, she dusted herself off and followed Newt as he began to walk off.

He first led her near a group of bulky boys, especially one boy that seemed to have weirdly shaped eyebrows. They didn't seem the friendliest, "These are the builders. Pretty self explanatory, and the leader is that guy there", he pointed to the boy with weirdly shaped eyebrows who she recognised but can't seem to remember his name, "that's Gally, also the guy you tackled this morning." Newt said this last part with an amused smile and a mocking tone. He seemed to enjoy the fact that a new greenie, let alone a girl, took down one of their strongest gladers.

They continued their walk as the boys seemed to stare at Rosalie. Newt also seemed to pick up on the stares so he began to walk faster. "The next group over here are probably the friendliest in the glade. First we have Frypan," he motioned over to a tall black boy who was laughing loudly, his eyes flickered over to the two and he gave a warm smile and an enthusiastic wave over. Newt began to walk over to the trio as Rosalie awkwardly trailed behind. "Hey Fry, you alright? I thought i'd bring the greenie 'round to meet everyone." Newt greeted happily as the two did some sort of hand shake / high five movement.
Frypan responded, "I'm honoured to be included in this meeting," he chuckled.
"Anyways, hey greenie, as you probably can tell, i'm Frypan and i'm the cook around here."
Rosalie gave a warm smile, "It's nice to meet you, i'm Rosalie."

Newt seemed to remember the other two boys in the group and introduced them to the girl, "These two are Clint and Jeff. They're the med-jacks here, basically if you're ever sick or hurt, find one of them and you'll be okay." He introduced the two with a friendly smack on the shoulder to each. The two boys gave a warm 'hey' and a smile in greeting.
The five began a short conversation which made Rosalie feel much more relaxed as she contributed to the conversation more than she expected to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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