The sleepover pt.2

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Shibayama POV:

I listened from outside the door and I was glad that they finally talk to each other without it being with me around and making it awkward. After they were done talking I came back into the room and acted like nothing happened. "I'm back! Also did I miss something? Because you're both smiling at me." After a moment of silence they both burst out laughing. "W-wait wh-what???" "Babe we both knew you were standing outside the door." "Yeah, and we've talked to each other before."  "I guess I am bad at lying.." "Aww.. Yūki don't get upset, come here." Inuoka said opening his arms for me to come hug him. I couldn't refuse getting a hug from my best friend! I ran up a jumped in to his arms and he spun me around as we laughed. He put me down but we never let go. I was enjoying the moment until I remembered that Nao was still in the room, so I looked up towards him and opened my arm for him to join. Inuoka felt my arm off his neck so he looked up and smiled doing the same thing as me. Nao got off the bed and came to us joining the hug. Inuoka broke from the hug and walked behind Kuguri hugging him by his waist. Kuguri made this squeak that he always makes when he's surprised. "Eek!" I followed Inuoka and wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. He then buried his face in my shoulder. He looked like a tomato because his face was red. Me and Inuoka both laughed at him because whenever he did this he was just so cute. After a couple hours of doing stuff we decided it was time for bed.

Kuguri POV:

"Hey Inu.. where are you gonna sleep?" I ask just out of curiosity. "I'm just gonna sleep on the couch." "No." Me and Inuoka looked at Shibayama. "In the name of god no. You are going to sleep with me and Nao if you like it or not. I'm not letting you be sore tomorrow." Me and Inuoka looked at each other then looked back at Shibayama. "Uhm.. okay Shibayama." Inuoka climbed onto the bed with me and Shibayama and wrapped his arms around my waist.

~Few hours later~

"Shibayama fell asleep." I whispered to Inuoka. At this time it was like 12:00 AM we all couldn't sleep so we just talked about like, school, volleyball, our grades and Inuoka's failing, our teammates, and why Kuroo-San hates Daisho-San, we came up with a lot of theories. One of them being maybe they love each other but that was a joke because Kenma-San. "Hey Nao.." "hm?" "Have you ever been in a poly relationship before? Or just other relationships before?" "Uhm.. yeah actually. I've been in a poly relationship with two boys before." "Oh. Why'd you guys break up?" "Uh... this girl who had a crush on them said I "beat" her up and they believed her and broke up with me." "Ehh? Was she close to them?" "No just a fan girl." "Were they famous or just popular?" "Both." "Oh okay. What were their names?" "I think you might know the because they go to Nekoma and are first years." "Hmm.. famous and popular.. oh! I know. Hiruki and Hibiki?" "Yeah.." "Wow didn't expect them to be jerks." "They also did it for a bet.." "What did you say?" "Huh? Oh nothing." "That's a lie. You said something. What else did they do?" "They did it.. uhm, for a bet. It was to see if they could make me fall for them and it worked."  After I realized what I said I just wanted to cry. He wasn't supposed to know. I didn't want to remember. I covered my mouth but I guess I was already crying. "Nao why are you crying?" I took my hand off my mouth and tried to talk but all that came out was a sob. I didn't know I woke up Shibayama until he started talking. "Nao..? Inu? Why are you guys still u- Nao what's wrong? " "G-gomen Shibayama.. nothings wrong." "Inu what happened?" "Yk those two popular kids in our class?" "Hiruki and Hibiki? Yeah why?" "He said that they dated him for a bet, and then he started crying."

Inuoka POV:

We all sat up in the bed while Kuguri was still crying, he was holding Shibayama's hand the hole time while crying into my chest. After what felt like hours before Kuguri calmed down but didn't say anything. He and Shibayama ended up falling asleep while cuddling so I got up and when to Shibayama's porch to get fresh air for a little. After a while I felt arms wrap around my waist so I turned to see who it was. "Nao? Why are you out here? Your gonna get cold without a sweater." I gave my sweater to Kuguri so he wouldn't freeze up. He just wrapped his arms around my neck and laid his head on me. "Come back inside please.." He ended up falling asleep again, so I picked him up and put him on the bed and fell asleep.

Sorry I didn't know what to do and I'm also really tired. Sorry if this is cringe 😬.
Word count: 912

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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