Come back to me...

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im back bitches. I have no current energy to continue this story  but ok

Fem! Reader

Wait but I forgot how I normally write this little A/N so yeah

Your pretty author :)


I wonder what's taking Gregory so long.. It's getting so cold and all I have is this cardboard box.


huh?! What was that?. I'll check it.
what the hell? There's nothing here.. Well nothing but a factory looking place. I should check it out Gregory said he won't be going somewhere far, *starts walking towards the factory or more mall looking place*

I open the door with ease wondering how the hell I just opened it when it said it's closed... But whatever its so dark here.


Ok what's up with these sounds?! I looks over to where the sound is and found a stage. Hm probably a concert or something although it doesn't seem like human concerts, looks more like robots by looking at the posters and... Cardboard cutouts? Anyway I'm here to look for Gregory not get a free concert ticket

I look deeper into the stage and see something that got me a headache.


Man I hate blood literally but I can't help to wonder who's blood is it? I follow the apparently blood trail and believe me someone or something must've dragged the body cause I just explored the whole place following the trail

I am now sweating bullets just walking around but now that I finally reached the end of the trail I see it leads to a closed door.
I lean in more to see the door it says


"Employees only? Weird that blood would lead here but who am I to talk? *Pushes the door open*


AUTHOR WHISPER: Yeah you see this is where Y/N wishes she didn't just open the door BYE


I.... couldnt speak. I felt inner coldness outside and inside of my body. Gregory was there.. Lying dead as hell.


AUTHOR WHISPER: So yeah he's posed like this but without the flower

I love conny with all my heart but I laughed when she's shown like this 🥀

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I love conny with all my heart but I laughed when she's shown like this 🥀


"N-no.. This is just a dream... I'm gonna wake up and see Gregory all alive and healthy. This is not real.. " Is what I keep saying as I held his body.

*I hug Gregory crying my guts out. * I couldnt do anything.. All I did was cry and cry not caring if anyone was there. I haven't even confessed my love for him. Yet here I am saying it to late.

"Gregory.. I wanted to say this to you when you come back. I wanted too. So that's why I'm doing it now. " *I wipe my tears* "I have always loved you ever since you held your hand out for me when you saw me all beaten up and weak. I knew I was destined to meet you once when you brush your hand on my cheek and wipe my tears as we made our way to wherever out feet would take us. I loved every moment I had with you. I savored it even though we don't have much. We were inseparable it's like we aren't just friends. So here I am. *deep breaths* I..I LOVE YOU GREGORY! *no response* *I sob louder* Come back to me... "



EW this is so cringe. Guilty.


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