Chapter 19

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It's been a few days since the last time you saw draco.

You didn't ended up having the answers you needed, as he never even showed up. Obviously you felt disappointed and rather annoyed with Malfoy.

Though you've actually noticed he now rarely shows up anywhere. He often skipped classes and when he did joined the class, he would avoid everyone, even his own pack.

"Maybe he's just busy," Penny said. "He does seem like he has a lot on his mind, i hope he's alright," You looked at the platinum haired boy.

He seemed stressed out. Sad at the same time. But also puzzled.

You stared at him from a far during class before the class ended. You gathered all of your stuff and headed to the great hall for lunch.

"Y/n, Penny! Sit with us, please." Hermione stood up and draged you to sit next to her. "Is there something wrong?" Penny asked as everyone's face was very serious.

"Voldemort is coming here, with an army of his own. " Harry said in a low voice. You don't need to be told twice to believe that that's the truth. Everyone fell silence. You sighed feeling quite sad it has to happen.

"Then we'll create an army of our own. We already have the D. A members, we'll just need to convince everyone else." Penny said breaking the silence.

"That's impossible!"

"They didn't believe Harry the first time, what would make them change their mind?"

"I might have an idea," You said making everyone turn to you.

You explained your idea to your friends and they agreed that it would be worth a shot. You spent a few days to make sure this plan of yours has a bigger chance at succeeding. Of course, you'll need someone else to help.


First things first, you'd need to convince the professors. Which oddly enough actually didn't take too long.

"Guess those speech competitions when you were little actually was useful, " Penny said.

Now that the teachers are convinced, the next hard thing was to convince other students.

You asked permission to use the great hall, which got approval.

It was late after curfew, the professors helped round up all of the students. But since they needed to have a meeting of their own, they left you guys to handle it.

"Alright, listen up! I've gathered all of you here in this late hour to say a few words, " Harry started. "Whether you believe it or not, Voldemort has return."

"This rubbish again?!"

"Haven't we told you, we're not putting up with your make believe!"

"Why should we believe you?!"

"What proof do you have?!"

"Shut up and let him finish." Ginny's firm voice echoed through the room. The room fell silent.

"Thank you, Ginny. Now as i was saying, Voldemort is planning to attack Hogwarts. He has an army of his own. A big one. A war is coming our way, and i want all of us to be ready for it." Harry continued.

"So you want us to fight for you?!"

"You're the one that put us in danger!"

"Why should we listen to you?!"

"Are you trying to get yourself killed, you dumb fucks," You shouted irritatedly.

"For once have a brain. The Dark Lord isn't just after Harry, he's after all of us, all of us who he thinks aren't worth living in his sight," Penny continued.

Harry sighed, "We're all here right now for the same exact reason, Hogwarts is our home. It has been and always will be. Are you just going to let them take it away, just like that?"

"We won't be fighting for me, we'll be fighting for Hogwarts." Harry finished.

"If you really don't believe Harry that The Dark Lord has returned, maybe you'll believe your precious Hufflepuff Prince." You said as Cedric showed up and stood beside you in front of the great hall.

Seeing Cedric back, whispers and gasps filled the room.

"It's true, The Dark Lord has return. I saw it with my own two eyes, the day of the final task. I watched him regenerate from a weak creature, back to how he was years back. I watched him hurt my friends. Think for yourselves, do you really want to experience that? Do you want to experience the forever guilt of failing to protect your loved ones?"

What Cedric said must've had hit the spot. The crowd were looking at each other. Some even grabbing the hands of those close to them.

The thought of loosing someone dear was just awful to anyone.

"So the Dark Lord really is back.."
"I don't want to lose anyone."
"Harry, what do we do?"

Denial breaks apart through the crowd.

Soon enough, everyone was on board. After school hours were used to prepare for what's going to come.

All of the D. A members helped Harry trained the others. Everyone worked hard and focused.


One late night during after hours, you took a stroll in the corridors viewing the beauty of Hogwarts before things would soon get messy.

You stopped and hid behind a pilar when you heard foot steps. You peeked and saw a tall figure in the distance.

"Malfoy!" You whisper shouted at him.

He looked back at you before running away. You took no time to run after him.

When you caught up to him, you saw his face was paler than usual. "Malfoy, what's wrong?" You asked in concern.

He looked around frantically before pushing you to an empty classroom.

"Y/n, go back, go back to your dorm, please just do as i say, go back to your dorm and lock the door and whatever you do, don't open it till sun rise!" He said frantically.

"What's happening?!" You were very puzzled and actually scared.

He looked around and finally whispered in your ear,

"It's starting.."

"I have to go now, please just do what i told you to do."

"Where are you going?! " At this point you were shaking, terrified on what's about to happen.

"Draco please just-" Before you could say anything,

he left

You were left shaking in fear and confusion. You had a panic attack that triggered your asthma.

Suddenly, you felt a shock of warmth from behind. A swarm of butterflies rushed in as soon as you felt a face close to your ear.

"Breathe.. " The voice said.

The smell of cologne was no stranger to you, yet you couldn't bring yourself to look back.

You took a deep breath in and let it out.

"Teleport back to your dorm, and do as he told you, " The voice said still holding on to you.

He let go slowly as you started to focus.

Seems like practice paid of. less than a second, you were in your dorm.

You locked the door and tried to get some energy as you know what's about to happen. You tossed and turn but you just couldn't sleep. You finally just let yourself stare at the ceiling..

"Is this it? Is this the end of Hogwarts? "


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