Period 1(ELA)

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I Mr. Bradley's class we had a project that we had to do in groups of 4. And we got to pick it. In my group we had Sam, Red, Me and my crush Bo! We got a paper that told us what we had to do for the project. On the paper it said:

*This project is about the play Romeo and Juliet . What you will be doing is putting on a seen from the play! I will be assigning you a part! you will pick your part and all but not the seen! You can be as creative as you want! (School appropriate) Have fun!*

We got the last seen! I picked Juliet, Red picked another person, Sam pick another person, and Bo picked Romeo(Yay)!

As I was going over my lines for act 1 scene 1 Bo came over!
"Hey" Bo said.
"Hey" I said.
"So I have a question"
"And I have a answer"
"Will you go on a date with me on Friday?"
"Hmmmm.... Yes!!"
"Cool I will pick you up at 5"
"Kk..... do you want my number so you can text more or call me when you are on your way! And so I can text you my address?"
•On a piece of paper•
* DJs #
(208) 412-8653*
After a bit
Red and Sam come up to and asked me what Bo wanted! And I told them!
For the rest of the period they would not shut up about it!

Sorry I haven't been able to write. Been busy with it being the end of the year and all. Well hope you are liking it!

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