1. Newbie

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Today was the first day back on set after 6 month break, but you were ready to start getting ready to film stranger things season 4.

You had worked on the set for 4 years as the sfx & makeup artist after your auntie got you the job. It was hands down the best job you have ever had. You got to meet and become close friends with some of the most talented actors & actresses and also started a YouTube channel showing the perks of your job and as your channel grew people wanted to know more about you and your day to day life, which you were more than happy to share with them.

You were more than excited for this season to start as you knew you would be getting to work on new faces. You couldn't wait to get your rota to see who you would be working on for the first week.

You got to your trailer and started to set all of your makeup and sfx equipment up. About 30 minutes later you received an email of your rota for the week.

Monday- Eleven (7:30-1:30), Eddie (2:00-5:00)
Tuesday- Eddie (10:30-1:30)
Wednesday- Nancy (10:00-2:00)
Thursday- OFF
Friday- Eddie (10:00-1:00), Steve (4:00-6:00)
Saturday- OFF
Sunday- OFF

You were more than happy with your rota, they always gave you a wide range of people to work with so everyday was different and definitely gave you plenty of time off to rest up!

Millie being your first client in the hot seat made you happy, after working with her for 4 years you both became really close friends on and off set.

Being from England as well always meant you can relate to each other being so far away from home, of course some days were harder than others but having people to talk to about it always helped.

Not too long after receiving your rota you had a knock at your trailer door "come in" you shouted in a sing song voice. The trailer door swung open and you saw Millie for the first time in what felt like forever! You both let out excited squeals, engulfing each other in a huge hug. "Ah I missed you so much" millie said releasing you from a hug. "I missed you a lot too, I wish we could've met up while we were home I was just so busy with uni work" which wasn't a lie but you also knew she was extremely busy with interviews, and catching up with family.

"Should we get started?" I asked. "Of course I can't wait for you to bring eleven back to life" you smiled and told her to sit in the hot seat as you all liked to call it. It was an on going cast joke after Joe sat in it after Noah had been sat in it for ungodly hours and it was still really warm from his body heat.

After about an hour and half of doing Millie's makeup and a little catch up she was almost done. "So have you met the new cast members?" She asked. "I've not met any of the newbies yet, I'm working with Eddie I think was this week, I think I have him like 3 times this week and right after you today" I replied, she looked up at me with a massive smirk on her face. "Whats that look for?" I questioned having not met the guy, I hope he wasn't a dick from that look.

"You will absolutely love him Y/N. He is totally your type and is British too, I'm sure his mum lives close to you" you let a chuckle out at her description of him. "Okay by my type could you expl-" you were cut off by a knock at your trailer door.

"Come in" you shouted. A second later an unfamiliar face walked into your trailer. A gorgeous man with the most beautiful brown eyes and the sweetest curls walked in and stood by the door.

"Hi I'm Joseph, erm I'm in here next apparently. I just wanted to see if you wanted anything, a coffee, tea or some food before you get started on me" he smiled. Okay so he was super sweet you thought to yourself. "Oh hey I'm Y/N, yeah I'm guessing your playing Eddie?" You let out a little chuckle, he didn't reply just smiled and nodded. "If you could bring me a coffee that would be so appreciated, I owe you" you smiled at him. "No worries, see you soon"

As soon as he left you turned back to Millie finishing up a few minor details, "see what I mean.. your type" she asked, you didn't respond just blushed a little. He was 100% your type but you couldn't act on that and let it get in the way of work but you could definitely see an amazing new friendship happening.

She let out a loud laugh seeing you blush which made your cheeks go a deeper shade of red. "You don't even need to speak I will be an amazing wing woman for you" she winked.

You had finished with Millie at 2 instead of 1:30 giving you no time for a break, as Millie left Joe walked right in bringing you a coffee. "I hope that's okay 2 sugars and some milk? Sorry I didn't know how you had it" he smiled "that's perfect, your a life saver" you smiled taking it and having a sip. You patted the chair for him to sit down and he did so, he was definitely prettier up close.

"So how long have you been doing this for?" He asked making small talk. "Sfx & makeup or working on set?" You asked. "Both, tell me about both" he smiled. It was nice he wanted to get to know you rather than it being you putting in all the effort.

"Okay so makeup and sfx I studied in college from when I was 16-18 and then went to university in London for 4 years to get a degree" i looked down at him applying a light amount of foundation to make his skin more flawless, not like he needed it though. "I had to drop out after a year and take it online as my auntie got me a job here so I took the risk and I've been working here for 4 years now. Definitely the best decision I made" I replied smiling at him realising he didn't take his eyes off me the whole time I was talking.

"That's definitely a big risk but it seems like it's definitely paying off" he replied, I smiled and nodded "so does that mean you're 24?" I shook my head no, "23, 24 soon though!"

Throughout doing his makeup you made small talk, you definitely found out a lot about each other and conversation flowed so naturally, it was like you had known each other for years.

You found out his mum lived really close to your hometown, he was only 4 years older than you, you both had similar interests in movies, music and tv shows!

As you finished his makeup, ready to send him off to get his wig you smiled adding the last few details, "you look good, are you okay with everything" he smiled and nodded "absolutely perfect, you definitely have a magic touch" I laughed at his reply. "I'm glad you like it, you're all done"

He stood up out the chair and pulled you into a hug, and kissed your cheek. "Thank you, I can't wait to work with you more" he said getting ready to leave. "You too newbie, it's going to be a good year" you laughed a little, giving him a small wave as he left the trailer.

You knew that that was definitely the start of a new friendship, possibly something more.

A/N- pt 2 is the next chapter, I couldn't just leave it like this!

I hope everyone enjoyed:) feel free to vote if you did!!!

Joseph Quinn Imagines (Joseph x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now