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Chapter 9
(J- Jordan or P- Phillips) (Y- you) (W- Wendy) (B- Benny) (Ya- yeah-yeah) (H- ham) (k- Kenny)
(To- tommy) (ti- Timmy) (sq- squints) (s-smalls) (b- Bertram)
(PF- Phillips friends)
(A- Alex) (D- Dave) (j- jay)
Y- I don't know. I'll have to think about it
P- okay
*y/n's mind*
Y- what just happened..?
Y- whatever...
*you tried to remove the chocolate from your hair before doing in the shower*
Y- there all done!
*you go in shower and am wash your hair*
Y- what was that?
Y- I think I'm hearing things..?
Y- uhh hello? Is anyone their
*you peeked our head*
Y- no one there?
S- fuck I dropped something
S- shut up! I'm getting something
Y- who are you!
S- your friend
Y- I don't even live here!
S- fuck
P- y/n are you done sho-
P- who the fuck are you!
S- uhhh
P- why are you here! Why are you watching my girlfriend shower you little stupid PERVERT!
Y- shut up Phillips I ain't even you girlfriend!
P- I'm the future darling
*in y/n mind*
Y- did he just call me darling? Y/n stop blushing. Stop
P- what are you still here get the fuck out
S- just one second
P- what the fuck is wrong with you!
S- shit I shouldn't had done that
J- Phillips the fruit punch is empty!
A- what the heck is going here
P- someone was watching y/n showing
J- why is she showering?
P- chocolate syrup
J- oh
P- don't just stand there help me!
A- oh, right!
D- what's taking so long everyone is waiting....
D- what going on here ?
A- someone broke in the house and watched y/n showering
D- why is y/n taking a shower?
P- chocolate syrup got all over on her
D- oh
Y- uhhh Dave
D- yes?
Y- can you give close the door in the bathroom
D- oh okay!
Y- thanks
*you change into a cute outfit*
Y- ooh I like this outfit
Y- let's do my make up!
Y- are you guys done?
P- no!
Y- oh.. okay!
*after a couple minutes*
Y- and done!
*you walk out the bathroom like nothing just happened*
P- aren't you gonna call for help?
Y- oh right!
*after a couple minutes*
Y-finally his gone
P- I'm sooo tired
Y- shut up Phillips
D- aww look at the love birds
Y- shut up Dave!
D- sorry!
P- whatever let's go downstairs!
A- don't worry I did everything
P- okay
Y- I well imma go Wendy's looking for me!
Y- oh wait!
P- ?
Y- I have to tell you something
P- go headed
Y- alone!
D- okay okay let's go Alex!
A- k
P- so what do you need?
Y- why did you call me your girlfriend?
P- long story...
Y- oh okay
Y- I can't hold anymore!
P- huh?
*you went from a kiss*
Y- sorry..
P- no it's fine, really it's fine.
Y- okay...
P- so dose that mean you forgive me?
Y- sure
P- yes!
P- wait I have to tell you something too
Y- sure
P- uhh do you want to be more than friends?
Y- best friends?
P- no
Y- besties?
P- no. Girlfriend and boyfriend?
Y-I'm just kidding stupid!
P- you almost give me a heart attack!
Y- sorry
P- it's fine
Y- come on let's go!
*they open the door to see Alex, Dave, jay, and Wendy listening*
Y- umm what are you guys doing?
W- so what happened
Y- nothing!
P- my bestie went from friend to...
W- friend to what?
P- friend to couples!
A- really!
P- yup
J-aw my friend finally got a girlfriend after 5 years!
P- shut up jay!
J- sorry~

Note: hey guys
Srry if this chapter long and short at the some time. I made two chapters right now!
I'll take a break for now just for 2 days
It's bc my fingers hurt from typing so much🥲 we'll anyways enjoy you day!


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