Chapter Four: Bigby's "Apartment"

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My mind wanders off as Bigby leads me to his apartment. I wonder who were the two fables who died that he mentioned. Glancing up at him, I take notice of the permanent frown and cigarette hanging out his mouth. Maybe I shouldn't ask, but I'd really like to know what happened- especially if i'm on the shitlist. I'll probably just end up asking a fable who knows something.

Soon enough we're at his door. I wait for a few moments before noticing Bigby's hesitation to go in and he turns to clarify, his hand scratching the back of his neck in a nervous gesture. "My apartment... well... it's a mess. I don't exactly have a bed for you to sleep on either. I have a couch, but if you need me to go out and buy-" Bigby rambles on as I cut him off. "Hey, it's fine. You said it was just a couple days, right? But that still means you won't have any where to sleep..." I trail off, trying to come up with my own solutions. "I'm working most of the time anyway. I'm lucky if I get 2 hours of sleep. You can sleep at night and I'll just crash during the day." He says, bringing the cigarette from his lips to tap off the building ash.
My eyes wander down to his lips as he does so.
He makes that look so good...


"If that's what you want then that's good with me. Can we go in now?" My tone gives away my impatient-ness and Bigby nods, pulling out his key and unlocking the door. As he opens it, the stench of old cologne and smoke fills my nostrils. Damn, someone crack a window ASAP.
Bigby seems slightly embarrassed as we step in. Old food packaging and empty beer bottles littered throughout the main area. I almost miss the huge pig sleeping in the couch, doubling back in shock.

"Uhh... Bigby, there's a pig on your couch. I don't know if I want to see what process happens when you eat him." I half-joke, not knowing what to make of the pig. "That's Colin. He's supposed to be ON THE FARM." Bigby growls the last part loudly, trying to wake him up. No dice. He sighs and walks over to poke him. Colin wakes up startled, making a sound I can't describe. He looks up at Bigby, not noticing me at the entrance. "Hey, Bigby. I'm in your chair aren't I?" Said man crosses his arms. "I've only got the one." With that, Colin slowly rolls out of the chair and lies down nearby, propping his arm up like one of those sexy goddess paintings.
I clear my throat and both pairs of eyes are on me. "Hey... what's up. I'm [Name]. I'm going to be staying here because I think I pissed off an angry British man and now Bigby's invited me here to make sure I don't die, and if I do, at least he'll feel less guilty about not letting me die in my own apartment, haha." My awkward rambling dies off and Colin speaks after a minute of silence.
"Jesus Bigby, where'd you find this chick?"


"Well, pleased to meet you [Name]. I'm Colin, as you probably figured out. I'm Bigby's roommate, though he should just give me the whole damn apartment, considering he blew down-"


"Ok, ok, relax Bigby. I'm just excited you brought someone who can tolerate standing in here for more than two minutes." Colin quips, Bigby opting to sigh loudly instead of argue. "Colin we need to talk later. For now, you're going to let [Name] sleep here for a couple nights while I work on this fucking case to make sure no one else dies. Got it?" Bigby questions, more like demands. Colin huffs and agrees, not very convincingly. I feel uncomfortable, maybe I shouldn't have agreed to stay. It's only making their lives harder anyways. As I go to voice my second thoughts, Bigby cuts me off. "Listen Bigby, you don't have to-"
"Stop. You already agreed. No point in risking it." I gulp and choose to nod. He's clearly in a pissed off mood and I don't want to be on the receiving end of it. Setting my stuff down, I fish out my phone and check the time. 7am.

Well, now that I'm on edge I doubt i'll be able to go back to sleep and I also doubt Bigby would take too kindly to me walking out and about by myself either.

So what the hell am I gonna do for the next couple days?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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