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[ 3.11 — 3.13 ]

THE ONLY TIME THE PEOPLE OF MYSTIC FALLS HAD SEEN LOTTIE LANCASTER IN A WORSE MOOD was when her parents died. The only problem was that they had no clue what happened in her life to make her so sad, to have her isolate herself from practically everyone in her life. And if she wasn't isolating, she was ignoring you while throwing herself into Founders' event planning.

Lottie's dreams were haunted by images of Finn, Elijah, and Kol, only to be hit with the reminder that they were gone when she woke each morning. They were stolen by Stefan and cloaked from location spells by Bonnie. And no one dared to tell Lottie where the three coffins were being hidden. No, they didn't know she was the soulmate to four Originals, but they knew she at the very least had feelings for Klaus in addition to whatever happens with Elijah. In their minds, she was in the exact same predicament as Elena, and so they wouldn't risk revealing where the coffins were. And Stefan, who hadn't been compelled to forget all his knowledge from the summer, knew how Klaus felt for Lottie.

There was one person that might could bring Lottie comfort, but he was far too busy with his hybrids, remodeling a permanent home, and trying to get his family back. Lottie didn't want to bother him, but going so long without any of her soulmates was certainly taking its toll on the girl.

"You look exhausted," Jenna noted as she met Lottie outside the Founders' Hall. There was a charity event for restoring Wickery Bridge.

"Thanks for not sugarcoating," Lottie said, rolling her eyes. But she was exhausted. She wasn't sleeping well at all, as proven by the dark circles under her eyes that she couldn't quite hide with concealer. "But yeah. I've had a few rough nights."

"Well, I'm sure if you need to sneak out early, I can distract Mayor Lockwood for you," Jenna offered.

"I'll probably take you up on that," she said, managing a small smile. "I so don't want to be here."

Jenna scoffed in amusement. "Does anyone?"

Then they were joined by Damon and Alaric just as Damon was muttering a, "Screw you!" to the history teacher. Alaric sighed and looked at the building. He didn't want to be there either.

"Can't a Council meeting ever just be a Council meeting?" Alaric grumbled.

"You can't get drunk off free alcohol at a regular Council meeting," Jenna reminded him. After learning about vampires, it wasn't long before Liz Forbes got Jenna on the Vampire Council as well, who welcomed the woman who was an extension of the Gilbert family. Lottie was the only one there for the actual charity event.

Though they were friendly, Jenna still didn't love spending prolonged amounts of time around Alaric, so she and Lottie wandered away from the men, looking at all the information posted about the bridge's history.

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