Chapter 5 "Tension"

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Beast boy-

I opened my eyes to see the underneath part of my top bunk. Last night's events flashed through my mind and I ran my hands down my face with a heavy sigh.

I was losing it and for some reason I was always after Raven. I looked over and saw Cyborg leaning against the wall snoring softly.

The terror in Raven's eyes haunted me, there was another emotion I didn't recognize. I felt sick from being flushed from her underneath me last night, how morbid can I be. She was nearly.... by me.

I jerked myself out of bed and walked out my slightly busted down door from yesterday's events.

I walked into the kitchen where Raven sipped her Tea silently. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the new jug of orange juice , pouring myself a glass. Her gaze stayed on either her cup or out the window, never towards me.

"Look Rae.."

She continued staring outside, she didn't even make a comment from my nickname that I commonly call her.

I walked over to the bistro table near the large windows and sat across from her. I slammed my cup down, making her body slightly jump. I ran a hand through my ruffled hair.

"We need to talk about this, whether you want to or not"

She turned in her seat and looked me in the eyes. Her emotions tucked nicely beneath her monotone stare. I couldn't read anything she was thinking and it was frustrating.

She leaned in her seat, placing her tea to the side of the table. She folded her slender fingers together and bit her lip thinking of her next sentence.

"Beast Boy.."

I looked up at her, the morning light shined through the window and glazed over her pale skin. Her lips shined from the wetness her tea gave her. Her slightly glazed tired eyes focused intently on her fingers. She nervously bit on her bottom lip and her eyebrows furrowed softly. She was, and have always been beautiful.

I placed my hands on the table's surface messing with the condensation on my cup. She began playing with my fingers and looked up. "No. Garfield.. the thing that's been taking over your conscience. I've been thinking and this is just a theory but maybe it's your power taking over your body."

I looked into her worried gaze and thought over the idea. It could very well be. In the last couple of fights we fought in. My powers have been acting a bit strange.

"I just want to know why it keeps going for you though"

She averted her gaze and I cocked an eyebrow "Do you know why?"

She nodded and stood up, placing her now empty cup in the sink. She leaned against the sink counter. "Garfield you know animals more than anyone, for obvious reasons. And you know that animals tend to find there mates.."

My eyes slightly widened and I stood up sarcastically laughing. "Your not serious"

"It seems like it. The beast talked to me" My eyes slited at her.

"What did it say?"

"Basically it wants me, this is why this theory makes a lot of sense!"

I rolled my eyes with a grin on my lips "Right"

She clenched the sink rougher making her knuckles turn white "Why are you being such an ass about this?! I'm trying to help you, and step one is finding out what it wants and I'm telling you. " I shook my head and leaned against the window.

She averted her gaze "Could it be your repulsed by the idea of being anything remotely romantic with me"

I looked over at her with my mouth slightly ajar.

"No..I mean I don't know. I guess I just never thought of it. I mean your Raven"

She cocked an eyebrow "And what is that suppose to mean?"

I sighed "Look let's just drop this"

She pushed off the sink walking closer to me, her cloak flowing behind her. "No you wanted to talk so now we are. Let's finish this conversation" Her voice was deadly low and I was scared and irritated. I didn't want to talk about this anymore.

"Look I just could never see me dating you. I see myself dating girls like Terra. Bright, happy and can show emotion?"

Her eyes flashed hurt and she began laughing bitterly "So you want someone like her? A liar, a backstabber, someone who would hurt there friends?"

I looked back out the window. We were bringing Terra into this and it wasn't going to end well. She was hurt, I didn't mean to hurt her I just wanted this topic to end.

"Just drop it Raven. For once stop being a bitch!"

Her anger face turned monotone once again and she hid her body beneath her cloak as if for comfort. She walked past me without another word.

I sighed and sat defeatedly  into the plush dining chair running my hands through my hair. Robin waved at Raven but she just brushed by him.

"What's wrong with her?"

I sighed staring out the window. "Just me being an idiot"

The beast's curse. (Beast boy x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now