Chapter 16 "lost"

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My leg was wrapped up and I was now lying on my bed, my eyes slowly closing.
Cyborg assured me everything was okay and that he might have actually made progress with Beast boy as well as an apology about the surprise kiss.
I didn't have the energy in me to argue back or kill him for planting one on me. I let my body sink into the mattress and tried to erase all recent activities from my brain as sleep was being granted to me.
And it worked until my door was slammed open, I jerked myself up in bed and stared wide eyed at my now open door. There stood a dazed beast boy in my doorway. A bottle of scotch lazily dangling from his small hand.
My hair was in my eyes and messy as well as my tank top that was slipping down my shoulders. I held my hand over my chest and sighed.
"God , you nearly gave me a heart attack" though if he turned into the beast I would be in trouble.
He shut the door behind him and stumbled closer into my room.
"Rae?" His voice was small and raspy.
I brushed the strands of hair out of my eye "yeah?"
He stumbled into my bed and I raised an eyebrow as he came closer until he face planted into my chest. His body shook with sobs as he clutched on to my upper torso.
"I'm so sorry" he mumbled through his tears.
I patted his back "it's okay."
He shook his head frantically "your one of my best friends and I hurt you" he looked up from my now soaked chest with big blood shot eyes.
I bit my bottom lip and held his drunken body towards me "you didn't. The beast did. Don't worry beast boy, you've done nothing wrong" I ran my slender fingers through his hair and he stopped crying. Only small hiccups left his lips until soft snores replaced them. I sighed and gently rolled him next to me, bringing the blanket up to his chin. I smiled and gently leaned down, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. I felt my cheeks burn and went back to erasing get my mind of current events.

The beast's curse. (Beast boy x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now