Chapter 2: The red haired girl

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The next day Takeshi wakes up and gets ready for the day he goes down stairs to see Samui,Karui, and Omoi he looks at them "Uh hey guys what's going on?" Samui smiles "Well I asked the Raikage to give you all a C-rank mission but he said he'd grant us one if we can complete a week or two of D-rank missions." Takeshi smiles "Well then let's hop to it." They leave the house and start their mission taking out some low genin level bandits a few D-rank escort missions and helping some elderly people they then stop and have some lunch and this continues for the rest of the week and next week.

The next day they go to the Raikage's office and right before he assigned them a mission a Kumo Anbu member comes in "Sir there was a redheaded little girl that passed through the border running as if in a panic!" The Raikage nodded "Alright change of plans Samui your team is to find that girl and see if she is a danger to the village." Samui and the genin bow "Hai Raikage-sama." They leave and start leaping around Samui thinks "Kids fan out I'll go back north Karui take South. Omoi take west and Takeshi take east." They nod and each go their separate ways.

While looking Takeshi hears a scream and a bear roar as he charges in that direction he runs through handseals "Raikou Bunshin no Jutsu!" He and his lightning clone then charged at the bear the bear swiped at them dispersing the clone and shocking the bear Takeshi then looks at the girl who blushed a bit "What's your name?" She looked at him "K-karin. Karin Uzumaki." He smiles "I'm Takeshi Senju." Her eyes widen "Senju? As in the legendary  Senju clan?" He nods "Now can you walk?" She shakes her head "I twisted my ankle." He picked her up putting her on his back and jumped to go meet with the rest of the team. They meet up and he informed them of Karin and told them she isn't a danger they then take her to the Raikage and let Karin tell her story of what happened even about her healing powers and the bites that go all the way up her left arm and up to her bicep on her right arm.

The Raikage looks saddened that she lost her mother and was used as a chakra healing station "Okay here." He hands her a headband "You're welcome to join us and I'll even put you on Samui's team." She takes the headband tying it around her forehead and bowed "Arigato Raikage-sama." He chuckled "Please it's no issue at all." Karui smiles "Hey you can even stay with me my folks won't mind."  Karin smiles "Thank you."

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