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Berry walked along the sidewalk with a friend named Hayden. The two were inseparable and nothing could change that. They stared at an old, abandoned brick house that was on the verge of collapsing in. The windows were broken in with wood denying entry and the door was boarded up.

"I wanna go in."  Berry smirked, wondering about the endless mysteries that laid behind that wooden door. "Absolutely not." Hayden stood in a sassy mom stance, trying to prevent Berry from doing something stupid as per usual.

Berry looked behind them at Hayden, "I'm not going to go in alone. I'm taking some of our friends with us." They happily spoke. "And get them killed along with you?" Hayden raised an eyebrow. "We aren't going to get killed." Berry continued to stumble down the street, going on about random stuff with the friend next to them.

It reached night as Berry sat in their room, texting some friends while they sat in their bed. They pushed their dirty blonde hair out of their face as the screen reflected on their blue eyes. Finally a plan was made. They were going to meet up at the house at 1AM so no one could see them trespass.

Berry tried to do some research on the house so they didn't run into it blind. They needed to know if any deaths happened in the house. They were big on paranormal stuff.

They rolled out of bed and put on a pair of black leggings with a black turtleneck. They didn't want to be seen by cops while trying to go into the house.

Quickly, Berry skittered out the backdoor of their home before they could be caught by their parents and began walking to the house. A few droplets of rain began to strike them on their body, sending a few shivers down their spine since it was cold.

Finally they saw the house in the distance with a few shadowy figures standing there and messing around. Berry shined their flashlight at the group and saw the six people standing around, their flashlights shining back.

They began approaching as they all gazed at the house and headed up the steps. There was no going back as soon as they entered. "Does anyone want to chicken out?" Berry asked the group. The six people consisted of Hayden, Mati, Beast, Chloe, Gabriel, and Meagan.

They all glanced at each other, thinking they were ready for this. Berry turned and busted in a window, sliding through the opening, the others followed shortly behind.

The smell of rotting wood filled the groups noses. Hayden hung onto Chloe in fear as the seven began to roam around the house but suddenly. Everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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