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There will be mentioning of strong violence and adult language.



text copyright © ArmoryK ™ 2022

The moral right of the author has been asserted. All rights reserved. This story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part, in any manner, without the written consent of the copyright holder, and any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law.

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All this work is based upon imagination, the characters, places and so son. Excluding states and country's.


Kai Brooks

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Kai Brooks

- Age: 18y/o

-Height: 5'4

-Likes: reading books alone in a quiet place; hot chocolate; listening to electronic music when no one is around

-Dislikes: coffee in general; cats because they're scary; rude people; silence

-Random fact: spaces out really easily; smokes only when stressed; can't sit still; loves sarcasm; really wants a dog but doesn't have the time to take care of one

-Random fact: spaces out really easily; smokes only when stressed; can't sit still; loves sarcasm; really wants a dog but doesn't have the time to take care of one

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Nikolai Dixon

-Age: 23y/o

-Height: 6'2

-Likes: math; school in general; playing soccer with his friends;

-Dislikes: when people talk behind his back; when people lie

-Random fact: eats ice cream in the winter instead of summer; too honest sometimes; teasing is his second name; overly protective over his younger sister; medical student at one of the best universities

-Random fact: eats ice cream in the winter instead of summer; too honest sometimes; teasing is his second name; overly protective over his younger sister; medical student at one of the best universities

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Daniel Santoz

-Age: 18y/o

-Height: 5'11

-Likes: Julia Dixon; pizza

-Dislikes: Nikolai Dixon; cactus

-Random fact: accidentally fell on a cactus face first; has a big crush on Julia since freshman year

-Random fact: accidentally fell on a cactus face first; has a big crush on Julia since freshman year

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Elijah Taylor

-Age: 18y/o

-Height: 6'0

-Likes: writing novels; spending time alone; really competitive

-Dislikes: people with big mouths; sarcasm; narcissism; people who think they're better than others

-Random Fact: wrote his first novel at the age of 10; doesn't like the thunder, therefore listens to music at night when he sleeps

-Random Fact: wrote his first novel at the age of 10; doesn't like the thunder, therefore listens to music at night when he sleeps

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Milo Moore

-Age: 18y/o

-Height: 5'6

-Likes: helping people; drinking ice tea; listening to the rain pounding against the glass; spreading positivity

-Dislikes: pizza; spreading negativity; arguing with people that are not his friends

-Random fact: argues with Daniel all the time because of pizza; owns 3 birds, 2 hedgehogs; gets extremely shy when around new people.

Authors note:

Welcome dear reader. I hope that you enjoy this BxB that I'm currently writing. Updates might be slow, but hang in there. I will do my best at updating as often as I can. However, with university starting soon, I can't promise that the updates will be as frequent as I hope. English is not my first language, and I don't mind feedback of any kind, so please let me know what you think about the story, characters and my writing. Just please remember to be kind to each other. Any mean, hurtful or spoilers mentioned in the comment section will be deleted and reported. No one appreciates those comments. Instead of hating, I'd rather you just click away from this story. Also mentioned in the title, this story is BxB, which means that it's a romantic relationship between two males, if that makes you uncomfortable, then I would advise you to leave. For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy this story.


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