chapter 2

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“Tragic flaw of mine.

Is  running away……………………”

 We sneak into the Grand veranda's entrance when my brother spoke. “So, sis I’m until here okay? Ya know I’ve got a date bye” and he stormed out. I pushed the enormous curtains out of my way. I’m not feeling well I was nervous and I don’t know why. The d.j. was active again and he’s playing in your arms by krissy and Erica.

Which make me feel better.

“remember those nights we stayed up, just laughing on the phone ”

A handsome boy resembling a fairy tale prince charming appeared in the lightless verandah she know who he is it’s Cyler her boyfriend who dreamed by every girl in town…………………………………….kissing a girl!!

“remember that time you said that I would never let you go,

Remember that time when you said that we could never ever be,

Cause I know deep down inside ”

“How dare you! Go to hell!” I shouted to Cyler. They’re both shocked, the girl faced me and I recognized her she’s mystilla my half-sister, my Friend.

“Is a coward hiding underneath all the silly games I play

With the battling of the lashes and all the charming things I say

I’m an addict to the fact that I could lure you with just a crack of a smile”

Cold tears slowly run down into my pale cheeks. Before Cyler could say anything, I run mask dropped on the floor………..gripping my heavy silk gown…. I could not think anymore.

“but with you I might wanna stay a while”

My foot dragged me into the garden, where I can clearly see the happiness of each people inside. Those siles behind the mask was so sad…

“Keep me sane tonight, hold me close that I might not fall

But o know that we might be destined for life

Tragic flaw of mine”

My emotions mixed and in just a blink of lashes came a thing that disturbed me all my life where unknown memory harshly flashed into my head life a fast forward in a movie. The old me is back…

Axelle Rousseau the 5th daughter of a baron in Aragon, And alexander Van Eimeren the heir of kastile kingdom,    fell in love to each other. Prince Stefano was  so jealous because he’s courting the beautiful Axelle, summoned the two kingdom under his control into war so that Axelle and Alexander will never get married. Despite of the situation the two moved in other country to live peacefully. The two kingdoms army followed them and forcefully separated them this results to the death of Axelle. Alexander barely moved on he, being an expert in gun loss consciousness and killed many of the armies and died later after a bullet shot his head by the order of  the Prince. Bree gulped and closed her laptop this is the exact event that happened in her life before. A flashback came in her head, revealing their last encounter with xander.

They are running in the forest.

You by the light is the greatest find

In a world full of wrong you’re the thing that’s right

Finally made it through the lonely to the other side

“Alexander I don’t want to lost you”

“ I don’t want to lost you too my love” he kissed my forehead.

“Im afraid Xander” I hugged him.

“shhhh I’m here and no one can separate us”

You said it again, my heart’s in motion

Every word feels like a shooting star

I’m at the edge of my emotions

Watching the shadows burning in the dark,

Both of us were shocked then the army of Aragon caught us

”The baron told us that we must shot the Prince of Kastile” one soldier mumbled.

NOOOOOOOOOOOO they can’t dot that………

But I was the one who got the bullet in my body….!

And I’m in love and I’m terrified.

For the first time and the last time

In my only life.

Suddenly my vision become blurred! I

 heard Xander loudly screaming my name.over and over. all I fell is nothing. I blacked out.

As I recall the past ….. my tears slowly slid down to my cheeks again………….where is my Xander now?

my loveliest lifetime (oneshot) completedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon