Cook Out

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With you done with school for now, you've noticed you had more time to yourself now. But your still working getting your own dance studio.

Today you were with your mom at your apartment just talking with her "have you heard about these disappearance's" she asked "yeah, it's been like what thirty now?" She nodded and sighed "one of them where one of my clients daughter's Gabrielle Diaz, I believe she goes to college with you" you rolled your eyes and groaned "I can't stand her and that cheap ass perfume" your mother flicked you and sighed "watch that mouth girl" you sighed and got up hearing a knock on the door

When you opened it you smiled "hey mamas, missed me" you nodded and gave Eren a kiss then let him in "hello Eren" your mother said coldly "hey Ms L/n" your mother waved "Eren do you know Gabrielle Diaz" he slowly nodded "she only showed up one day then was gone" your mother hummed and got her things "I'll be going now, Y/n tomorrow we're having a family cookout" you nodded and locked the door behind her then felt Eren pick you up "I wanna see this tattoo jiggle"

You haven't seen Eren in weeks due to some family issues so you were really happy to see him now

"Come on take off the hoodie, I really wanna see the tattoo" you sighed and took off your leaving you in a crop too an underwear

"Come on take off the hoodie, I really wanna see the tattoo" you sighed and took off your leaving you in a crop too an underwear

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(The rose)

"This is hella big Y/n" he said"and-? Why you say my name" he chuckled and kissed you "no reason, but I like it" you smiled and kissed him again, before you knew it you were on his lap with him without a shirt but got interrupted by Sasha and Jen "Oop-okay Y/n get into it boo" you and Eren glared at the both of them before they had shut the door "a nigga can't ever be happy" you mumbled, you looked back at Eren who was loooking at you and laughed "wanna keep going?" You nodded and pushed him down


"Mamas wake up" you groaned and rolled onto Eren's stomach "come on get up, don't you got a family thing today" you sighed and lifted up "I don't even wanna go, they always got sum to say to me"

"Why" he asked drawing circles on your thighs "like how I was raised or the way it dressed, actin like I'm ten years old still and my messy ass cousin's will bring up some old shit from when we was little" Eren hummed "just ignore what the fuck they gotta say, they just sorry and bitter because you happy" you smiled and kissed him "hey Y/n you know whe-Oh My God, Eren put yo dick away!" Jen yelled "nigga stay out my room then you wouldn't see it!" You yelled back reaching down to it just to fuck with her "STOP, THATS NASTY" she cried before running away

"Mamas that was fucked up" Eren said laughing "I don't care, and she didn't close my damn door" he laughed again and stood up "and another thing, lock yo damn- BRUH PUT ON SOME CLOTHES I DON'T NEED TO SEE THAT" she screamed "don't be mad that he has a big dick, right baby" Eren started to laugh hard and walked to the bathroom "bruh I hate you so much" Jen slammed your bedroom door still crying.

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