Chapter 3 - Reunion

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Third POV:

Max walks around the warehouse after waking up, she's still surprised on how she's better and isn't injured anymore, but that didn't stop her from wondering around.

Max stopped at a hallway with a few doors leading to a dead end.

'Must be the living areas or something, why would people even put these here?'

Max thought.

She walked down the hallway lead to the last door, she went to open it but was stopped by the door opening.

Matt froze, so did Max.

Max walked back in shock, she put her hands up to her mouth.

"B-Billy....?" Max said in disbelief.

"Max?" Matt or should I say Billy, replied.

"What-" Matt/Billy was interrupted by Max hugging him.

Matt/Billy just hugged back tightly. Once Max pulled back, Exavier walked into the hallway.

"Oh, I see that Max is awake. You too Matt, uhh, we have to go to the meeting room now, you can come with us, Max." Exavier said walking up to them.

Max looked over to Matt/Billy, Billy smiled and nodded, so Exavier, Billy, and Max was walking to the meeting room.

"So, Matt.. Can I call you Billy again? I'm much more used to calling you that anyways.." Exavier asked.

"Sure, people calling him 'Matt' just doesn't sit right with me." Billy replied.

Exavier nods smiling. "So how do you to know eachother?" Max asked.

"Oh, Billy is basically my adopted brother, but he's still your big brother, and that makes me your sibling." Exavier answered.

Max smiled softly, "So we can be like a trio?" Max questioned.

"Yeah, I guess so." Billy replied, patting Max on the head.

They all talked for a bit more until they reached the meeting room.

"So, are you gonna stay here so you can have a badass moment when you walk in or something?" Exavier joked.

"You know I'm a sucker for that, how about me and Max walk in together?" Billy suggests.

"Sure, just walk in when the you think the time is right." Exavier waves then walks in the room.


As Exavier walks in, all eyes are on them.

"Sorry for the wait, anyways. Let's get to explaining." Exavier said as they walk up to the front.

"So, the reason you are all here is not any of my doing, I am just here to explain to you all the situation, so here I go.' Exavier takes a deep breath.

'As you all may know, you were all sucked up by a portal, now, it is not my doing, back to my point. The Portal has sucked you guys up to a different dimension, a one into the future too. Now the way back is hard to access, since the portal seems to be different from the regular ones, so it seems you are all stuck here for the mean time, but if you worry about the people where you people came from no need to worry, time stops where we originally travel from, in your case, Hawkins. In a simple explanation, You were sucked up by a portal and traveled here, is that clear?" Exavier explained.

"So we have to be staying here?! We just met you! We can't even trust you!" Dustin yelled.

"You actually can, they'll help us." Max said as she walked in, taking everyone by surprise.

"Max....?" Lucas asked shakily as he stood up.

Max turned to him and then smiled softly. Lucas ran to her and then hugged her tightly, Max hugged back, tears forming in both of their eyes.

The others joined the hug, getting VERY emotional, making Exavier tear up a bit. 'Why is this making me tear up..' Exavier thought.

Suddenly there was loud bangs outside the door, "Everyone! Under the table!" Exavier shouted.

Everyone did as told, just then someone came flying into the room. (imagine that happening to you 😹👎)

The person groaned in pain, Exavier looked at them and shot them with their gun. (do not ask where they got the gun, I just wanted that mf to pay for breaking their wall)

Exavier discarded the gun and ran outside, it was like a war out there, Exavier ran to where ever Billy was.

Soon they found Billy, injured. "We have to get you out of here!" Exavier yelled, worried for him.

"Just take me to the meeting room, there's medical supplies there.." Billy demanded, still in pain from his wound on his leg.

It was a large stab would and his arm was broken.

"We can't! The entry is blocked that way now!"

"We have to see, Exavier.. Please.." Billy pleaded.

Exavier finally agreed, they picked up Billy in bridal style. Billy was shocked on how easily Exavier picked him up, then he remembered why.

'Geez, this kid is overpowered as hell.' Billy thought.

Exavier heard loud noises coming from their side, they ran as fast as they can, knowing it was enemies.

They reached the meeting room, luckily  there was no enemies nearby.

Exavier put down Billy near the door, Exavier began trying to open the door.

After a few minutes of trying, it worked. Exavier picked up Billy again and went in, forgetting about the other people still hidden inside.

They set down Billy in Billy's own chair. Exavier started looking around for the supplies.

"Agh! Where are the supplies! I swear I put them right here!" Exavier said angrily.

"Right here.." A voice said and then out sled out a Med-Kit.

Exavier walked towards it and picked it up. "Thanks, m- WHAT THE FUCK." Exavier ran behind Billy in fear.


Sorry it's cringey, lol

I'm becoming brain dead bt no worries, :D

Anyways, gonna update again soon, also might make a one shot book 'n stuff.

ok bye bye now ;)

Exavier, out!

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