"Why Do You Always Do This"

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A/N: Request from BlackQueens101 thank you again! 💕

"Sev what have you done this time?" You asked with a sigh as you collected your tools to fix her metal arm.

Sevika just looked down with her furrowed eyesbrows, she had an angry expression but you could tell she was sorry. Once you gathered you collected your toolbox you made your way over to her and propped yourself on a stool next to her mauled prosthetic limb.

You let out an exasperated sigh and muttered under your breath "Why do you always do this Sev" and you moved her arm into your lap for closer inspection.

Your attention was quickly drawn to the elbow that hung on miraculousy by eight wires and the shoulder pad was missing.

You then got to work on repairing the arm, all through the process glancing up at Sevika's face with a disappointed expression.

It took three and a half hours including the time it took for her to be able to move and control it again. Let alone you figuring out how to safely stock the shimmer viles into it for her next use.

"There I'm done" You say and let go of her arm while packing your tools into the box.

You hopped off the stool and retreated into your shared room, leaving Sevika out in the common area alone.


After you washed your face and changed into your sleeping clothes, you exited the bathroom and entered the bedroom, slightly startled by Sevika laying on the bed as you never heard her enter and thought she was still out in the common area.

She looked up at you with a half smile and rasped out a "Hey" while patting the empty space you usually lay in.

"Hey" You replied with the same half smile and made your way over to the bed taking your spot next to her.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I don't know why I'm like this, I should learn to repair my own arm instead of pestering you all the time and just being a bother" She looked up at you shamefully, clearly apologetic for what she did.

Your eyes met hers and you held her natural hand in yours, it was warm and comfortable to hold.

"Sev I don't find repairing your arm an issue, if anything I love doing it, it calms me down in an odd way, it's just-" You paused breaking the contact between both of your eyes, searching for the right words, "-I just wish you wouldn't get into so many fights so often, it worries me when you come home bruised and bloody, I don't want to lose you Sev" You grasped her hand tighter but kept your eyes in space, averting her gaze.

Silence struck the room and all that was heard was soft breathing from you both.

"Y/N I didn't know you felt so worried about me, you know I'm tough enough" She gently nudged your side, trying to make you smile again, which worked of course.

"Just promise me you'll back out of a fight if anything gets too out of hand or violent, please?" You whispered desperately, regaining eye contact with her.

This time Sevika's soft hand pulled yours and you were positioned closer to her than before, and her cyborg arm wrapped around your shoulders holding you closer to lay down on her chest with her.

"I promise Y/N, I'm sorry I cause you to worry, I love you so much" She explained in her raspy whispers while she stroked your hair and pressed a kiss on your head.

You nuzzled deeper into her warm chest and moved your arms around her waist and clung like a koala, letting out a hum in response.

"I love you too Sev"

She tightened her hold and moved her hand to cup your jaw and lift your face up to deeply kiss your lips lovingly.

When you two broke apart you rested your head back down again and you both succumbed into sleep, embracing each other.

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