Let Me In(Part 3)

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Hellloooo I'm backkkkk and the research paper is finally done, even tho our teacher said he will still contact us if ours got picked to be published..... But, The good news issss I finally graduated last June 30 and so many many things happened after that. My mom gave birth to a healthy baby girl and she's the cutestttt. Idk if I can still continue this story and I think the updates will be slow because of my now so busy life as a "baby-sitter" butttttt, I will still try to do my best ya'll, you hear me?!! Anyway, let's start.

Ayanokoji's POV

Fast forward to Saturday and now I'm supposed to meet Horikita but first I attended meetings in behalf of my parents. One of the mettings that I attended was a new fashion trend proposal. The one who's in front of me is an older woman with pink hair..
'Wait.. Pink hair? That means, this woman is--'

"Hello, I'm Airi Hanabi, pleasure to meet you all"
A/N: guys idk her name so imma just making it up tehee

'I see, so this is her mother'

I just silently listened to the meeting and waited for it to end.

'I still need to report this to my parents'

After the meeting, we said our goodbyes and I headed to a restaurant to eat something.

As I was waiting for my lunch, I reviewed the proposal earlier. I never really care about my fashion, I just wore want my mom wants me to wear occasionally or what I got from my wardrobe.

'Some people really has some fashion taste'

A/N: And I'm not one of them

My food arrived and so I started eating.

After I finished I looked at my watch and it said 1:06 pm so I decided to take a stroll around a park that I saw and sat on a bench, listening to music and just stared at nowhere.

A/N: Like I always do

'Mmmm.. I wonder what she's doing right now'

Airi's POV


"The color of the cloth doesn't match with the color of the other cloth, So this other cloth should be replaced by another cloth for it to have a matching thingy to this cloth!"

'Ughhh, I can't believe I'm this clumsy that I didn't even notice that this is magenta and not fuchsia pink'

I tried making a dress on my own but as you can see, it's not going pretty well for I have made a mistake and now I have to start all over again.

"It's fine self, mistakes are part of growing, it's fine it's fine, we just have to do another one, who knows it will be better than the first one haha"

I'm trying to console myself right now, don't mind me.

Dreams are really sure do hard to reach.

*/ring... Ring... Ring

I answered the call and it seems like its my mom.

"Hey mom, what's up?"

"Hey sweetheart, did you had your lunch?"

"Yeah, I already ate hehe"

"That's good to hear"

"What about you mom?"

"I already did sweetie, and also, I attended a meeting with the heir of the Ayanokoji group"

"Oh I see, I hope everything went well"

'Wait a minute, the heir of the---Ehh?!! It's him! That scary guy!

"Oops, gotta go sweetie, bye love you mwah"

-Call Ended-

Anyway, I don't need to care about it right? I mean I don't have anything to do with him and I absolutely don't want to have any contact with that person.

A/N: Right... */evil laugh

'Self, you want a peaceful life, just focus on achieving your dreams'

??? POV

The clock is ticking loudly and here I am, sitting in a chair with a chessboard, ready to be played right in front of me.

Time check, 1:55 pm

I know his busy but he agreed to meet me. I asked him because I wanted to prove that I'm also capable and I can also spend time with him, either way, it's a win-win situation for me.

He's smart but he's also quite dense. I can't believe he didn't notice*/pout

I can't believe I fall for such a guy... but even though he's like that, he also has a warm side....like what he showed me 10 yrs ago.

I can't remember when we got to this point, we used to be close and now it became awkward to even talk like normal. If only time travel is real like in the novels, I would change the past...

I miss the old you.... I miss the old us.

I forgot to update you guys about my grad pictorial... I looked like a mashed potato that they sell at jollibee, I paid to get my makeup and hair done but what did they do?!! I can't believe they just put some hair spray on my hair then said "Your hair will get on the way and it's messy so let's just do this"..... Guys I have long curly hair that reached my hips and I'm proud of that. I was too shocked to speak, they called it messy?!

I looked at the picture like I'm looking at someone else, my proud curly hair appeared straight and also I'm allergic to make up, so yeah, I suffered, even tho after the shoot I washed it as quickly as possible.

I was supposed to be happy but now ..... I'm still happy but with a lil dissapointment involved.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka x Airi SakuraWhere stories live. Discover now