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Chapter 2.
Will byers p.o.v
Trigger warning: slur (I can say it)

I got home sweating like a dog. I skipped dinner and sat in my room. Just sat there thinking about all the mistakes I made.

I've made so many mistakes. One of them is being in love with Michael Wheeler. The other, believing he loved me back.

Another was trusting him. Then getting replaced. God I wish they never found her.
There's nothing I can do now.

Except see the huge mistake I am and the ones I've made. I'll just avoid everybody from now on.

I'll be better of on my own. I went to sleep with my final decision.


I woke up with dried tears on my face. I knew avoiding people would be hard and easy at the same time.

I got up and quickly got ready and quickly ate breakfast. I got on my bike and headed to school.

I was early so I just sat by my locker and waited. That's until Troy came up to me. "Hey fag." I stood up and walked away.

He followed me. "Why are you running fag." I ignored his over used insult and walked into a busier hallway.

By this time there were more people so he'd get cought. I think he cought on to it soon as he backed away.

Then Dustin came up to me. "Hey will wanna hang out after school?" I just nodded not wanting to be rude.

I just hope it is just us, I don't wanna run into anybody else.


I made it through the school day with little encounters. Now I just need to make it through Dustins sleep over.

I arrived at Dustins and to my surprise mike,El,and Lucas were all there. I almost booked it back home but it was to late.

"Hey man come inside." The only seat open was one next to mike. I realized what this was. It was a set-up to get me and mike to be friends again.

I took the seat next to him anyway. And el looked annoyed. I think she's was happy me and mike were drifting away.

So I decided I'd play along. To see what would happen, and I could possibly get mike back.

I still tryed avoiding him though. "Guys let's play checkers, I bet I'll win." Mike suggested. "Why not." "Sure" "okay" "I'll grab the game."

I sat there silent. "Will? Do you want to play?" Mike asked me. I smiled and nodded.

Dustin set up the game and we got into teams. Mike, and I. Vrs El and Lucas. Dustin would play the winning team.

El went first, she didn't want to move from her spot so she lifted the pice up with her power.

Then it was my turn. I just moved it to the edge of the bord.


Me and mike ended up winning. We played Dustin and lost. "What how is that possible!" I giggled at Mike's sore loseing.

"It's not funny!" His voice cracked wich made everybody laugh. He sat there unamused.


It was about 3AM and we were all tired. Mike and el feel asleep in each others arms. I don't know why this made jealous.

I started at them in mostly sadness and a bit of anger. Dustin took notice and asked if I wanted to talk.

I shook my head and went to bed.


The next morning I woke up feeling sick. I ran into Dustin's bathroom. I threw up those weird little black globs again.

I kept throwing them up. I felt someones hand on my back. It was wills and I saw the others watching me.

That's until they disappeared. I turned around and nobody was there. I recognized this place.

I saw mike come through the bathroom door. "You thought I loved you." "Your crazy to think that."

"Your not mike." The mike figure turned into vecta. I realized I don't want to go yet. I made a run for it.

Mike's pov.

I saw will vomiting then out of no we're his eyes roll back into his head. "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT." I yelled. The others released what was happening.

"WHATS HIS FAVORITE SONG." they all yelled twords me. "SIPPY CUP!" I yelled twords them.

From what I remember he's always liked that song. Dustin luckily had that music track.

I put the head phones on him. And played the song.

Wills pov.

I was running until I Heard music. They were trying to save me? I saw the opening I herd disoriented yelling.

Kids are still depressed when you dress them up.

I ran faster to the exit.

Syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup.

I was getting closer.

He's still dead when your done with the bottle.

I made it through flinging forward. Luckily mike cought me before I ate shit. "Uhm thanks-" "welcome."

"El didn't soke in a pizza freezer this time?" "No, I did not." We giggled.



Late upload I have righters block

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