Burton Guster 'Gus' x Spencer reader

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Requested by: CampCampTrashOof

For context you're Shawn's twin sister and you're as observant as he is
(Also small a/n all stories will be in third person unless stated otherwise)

Y/n Spencer was well known and very much liked in the Santa Barbara Police Department. Since her father was a great cop and brother occasionally worked for the SBPD they often found themselves wandering over to the station and chatting with one of the officers or detectives.

Today was a day like that, Y/n took a stroll through Santa Barbara and admired the place they grew up in.
Mere seconds after they walked into the station Shawn and Gus the inseparable duo walked in, no doubt to cause shenanigans and annoy Lassiter.

Y/n and Shawn made eye contact and they rolled their eyes at one another.

When Gus made eye contact with Y/n he couldn't stop staring into those deep mysterious e/c eyes.

Gus knew the number 1 rule of friendship was to never fall for your best friend's sister, but how could he not Y/n was perfect in every way.
He loved the way their eyes lit up when they got into mischief with him and Shawn, or the way they would run their fingers through their h/l, h/c hair, or the sassy eye roll they gave when Shawn was being a dumbass.

Little did Gus know that his small crush didn't go unnoticed by either Spencer sibling.

One day Shawn couldn't hide it from his best friend any longer.

"Gus!" He exclaimed "I know you have a crush on my sister, goddamit"

Desperately trying to play it cool Gus says "I don't have a clue about what you're talking about".

"Dude do you actually think that I'm gonna believe that? You look at her like she's the only person in the world "

"Is it really that obvious to anybody?" Gus asked.

"I wouldn't know, I'm not just an ordinary person you know" Shawn retorted.

"You know what Shawn, I'm gonna do it" Gus said with a burst of confidence.

"Do what?" Shawn asked rather clueless.

"Don't be mad, but I'm gonna ask out Y/n!" Gus responded.

"Gus, I'ma be totally honest here," Shawn started "I have no idea how to feel about this, or how I should feel about this"

"That's alright Shawn I'ma make my move"

Gus walked around the inside of the Police Department until he found Y/n having a conversation with detective Juliet O'Hara.

Juliet; seeing Gus walk by felt a lightbulb click inside her mind and walked away to do some paperwork.

Y/n turned around quickly, only to see Gus standing right in front of her, nervous out of his mind.

"Y/n I know this is really sudden but," he paused "I just think you're incredible and you always make my day so, would you like to go on a date with me?"

Y/n gently chuckled and reached out for Gus' hand.
"I would love to go on a date with you Gus"

Just around the corner Shawn huddled under a desk recording the whole ordeal.

"I'm totally showing this to dad"

A/n: srry if it was a little short

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