Harry Styles Imagine (You're Not My Boyfriend!)

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  • Dedicated to Jocelyn Jordan McKenzie

                I laughed, saying goodbye to my friends after our night out. I was on tour with the boys at New York, and so we were living temporarily at a hotel. I walked into the lobby, and went into the elevator. I hummed “Little Things” as I made my way up to the suite level. I inserted the room key into the room and walked in. Everyone was gathered around the doorway. I blinked. “Woah, did you guys have a party or something?” I laughed, but nobody else did.

                “I think YOU’RE the one who was at a party! Where have you been, Jocelyn?! We were wondering where you were this whole time! You’ve been gone for 5 hours and without telling any of us!” Harry yelled at me.

                I glared at him. “I’m a big girl now, Harry! I can take care of myself. I told you guys I was out with my friends! Why do you care so much?! Jeez!” I said, throwing my stuff down. “At least I’m back!”

                “Well, you could at least tell us when you were gonna come back!” Harry shouted. “We were worried sick!”

                I glared at everyone, who all looked at Harry. “I think that’ll do, Harry…,” I heard Louis say, touching Harry’s shoulder.

                He shook it off. “No! It’s NOT okay! New York is a big city and this isn’t the first time! I’m so sick of you wandering off like this! No one will be there to protect you!” Harry threw his hands down angrily.

                That was IT. “FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, HARRY! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! YOU’RE ATTACHED TO ME 24/7, AND YOU TREAT ME LIKE A LITTLE KID! I’M AN ADULT NOW, AND I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT! I CAN PROTECT MYSELF! WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH?! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU’RE NOT MY BOYFRIEND!” I spat the words out at him. Then, I stormed out of the room and back down to the lobby. I didn’t understand. “Why does he care so much?” I said aloud in the elevator. I was alone. At first it was cute, but now it’s just annoying. Harry just got more and more protective.

                I walked out of the elevator and into the restroom. I stood in there for a while, fixing myself. It was all I could do. I had forgotten my room key as I threw down my stuff. I sighed, frustrated. Then, I walked back outside. I saw Harry waiting for me at the corner of the hall. There was only one way out, so I walked forward. I didn’t look at him as I walked past him, but he grabbed my wrist. I tried wrenching it out of his grasp, but he kept holding on. “Stop it, Harry!” I shouted. “You’re hurting me!”

                Harry had a pained expression and loosened his grip, but didn’t let go. “Please, Jocelyn, just hear me out.” His expression told me he was genuinely concerned.

                I wrenched my wrist out and sighed. “Fine. Back to the room.”

                Harry nodded and we went back to the room and out to the balcony in total silence. “What do you want, Harry?” I asked, looking up at the stars.

                Harry was all the way across the balcony from me. I had kept our distance. “I’m sorry, Jocelyn. I just care about you too much. I… I’m just… I feel like… I want to protect you… I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you…,” Harry replied shyly, his voice cracking.

                I looked at him. The starlight glistened in his eyes and his hair blew in the light breeze. Then, I realized the glistening wasn’t just the starlight. He was crying! I ran over to him and hugged him. “No, Harry. I’M sorry. I know you just care… I shouldn’t have shouted at you,” I apologized. “Please don’t cry.” I felt tears prick my eyes. I felt terrible for making him cry.

                Harry hugged back. “Please don’t cry, Jocelyn… It makes me sad.” He pulled away and looked at me. I wiped away his tears and looked at him straight in the eyes. He leaned forward, right next to my ear, and whispered, “I care so much because… I’m in love with you.”

                He talked so softly, I could feel my ear tingling with every word. Then, he put his hands on my waist, pulled me forward, and kissed me. There, on the balcony, under the moonlight. His lips were so soft and filled with uncertainty. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back. After about 20 seconds, he pulled away and replied, “I’ve always loved you.”

                I smiled, tiptoeing up to whisper into his ear, “I’ve always loved you too, Harry. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that.” I ran my fingers through his curls.

                Then, Harry brought my face up to his and kissed me again. Afterwards, he replied, “Will you be my girl, Jocelyn?”

                I smiled up at him, my heart racing, and answered, “Of course I will.”

                Harry smiled a full smile, his teeth showing, and said, “I love you, Jocelyn.”

                I hugged him, putting my head on his chest, and replied, “I love you too, Harry.” ♥

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