Harry Styles Imagine (More Than This)

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                I said goodbye to my boyfriend and walked back into the flat I shared with the boys. Things hadn’t been going good with him lately, and I was down because I felt like he almost dumped me today. “Hi,” I mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. I sulked up to my room and I heard the boys whispering about me. I was too upset to care. I slumped onto my bed, frustrated about the situation. After a while of holding it in, I broke down in tears, eventually falling asleep. We had been through so much together, but I felt like he had found somebody else. I heard somebody walking in. I perked up and looked to see who it was. It was Harry. “Oh,” I said, stretching. “Hi, Harry.” He didn’t reply, walked over, and put his hand on my forehead. I blushed and shook it off awkwardly.

                “You have a bit of a fever,” he replied. Harry walked into my bathroom and wetted a cloth, bringing it back to wipe my face.

                I felt shy and thanked him, taking the cloth. I smiled at him, but his face remained solemn. “What’s the matter, Harry?” I asked, concerned.

                “Nothing’s the matter… Nothing,” he mumbled.

                I took his hand in mine. His fingers were cold, so I hugged them to my face. I sat up straight. “Tell me, Harry,” I pleaded.

                He shook his head and took his hand back. “Just get some sleep,” Harry replied. He got up and left the room. I watched him, a bit confused.


                I cried the whole way home. My boyfriend had dumped me and told me he DID have another woman. I sobbed and ran upstairs, ignoring everyone’s concerned statements. “I don’t want to talk about it,” I kept replying when everyone asked.

                “Please, Jonae, just tell us how it happened,” Louis begged.

                I shook my head, crying. “I don’t wanna hear his name or see his name or think about his name,” I sobbed. I grabbed the tissues next to me and wiped my tears with them. “I’m so done with boys,” I cried, blowing my nose. The boys raised their eyebrows but didn’t say anything.

                Harry took my arm and led me out to the middle of the grass field outside, leaving the other boys in my room. “Jonae, I’ve been waiting such a long time to tell you this. But please, just listen to me.”

                I looked up at him. “Wh-what is it?” I asked in short breaths.

                He looked at me in the eyes and opened his mouth. But he didn’t talk. Instead, he started singing “More Than This.” I listened intently, not knowing what to say or do. When he finished singing, he watched me. We were silent for a second.

                I slowly reached up my hand and touched his face softly. “Harry,” I whispered. Tears filled my eyes again as I struggled to say something. “H-Harry…” I walked forward and hugged him.

                Harry put his arms around me and made me look up at him. “Forget about him… I’m asking you to give me one chance. I swear I’ll love you right. Please, Jonae. I’m begging you.”

                I broke out into a smile. “Of course.” Harry smiled and lifted me up into the air, kissing me.

                I put my arms around his neck and he pulled away and replied, “I love you, Jonae. I’ve loved you ever since we met.”

                I blushed and touched my nose to his. “I’m sorry it took so long for me to realise that, Harry, I love you too.” ♥

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