Parabellum (Logistics)

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Prologue to Logistics, I figured I'd release this early because I don't care. As for the chapter name, it may directly replace "Logistics" itself as it would make more sense plot-wise. Really short, but this thing is enough to tell you the entire plot of Logistics and WoT.


People used to say that history repeats itself, but humanity never learns from its mistakes. Whether it may be a revolution due to political corruption, or racism towards the infected, any solution is temporary.

The world runs in circles, never willing to stop at a point, good or bad. It only runs along a circuitous path with no end in sight. 

Peace leads to war, and war leads to peace. The two are always together, and they will always be together. 

Take away war, and everyone on Terra would be given the gift to live, with no direction, hope or future.

People would bathe blindly in pleasure, not noticing the fire that would be extinguished forever. They would claim that the place they live in is heaven, yet heaven is just another kind of hell.

The truth is, idle peace and thoughtless pleasure are anathemas to passion. Imbibing and imbibing happy things endlessly dulls the senses and makes "happiness" indistinct, blurred, and ultimately without purpose. 

Happiness becomes a daily thing, and the definition of happiness fades away into history.

Take away peace, and everyone on Terra will be left to rot. 

Abandoned prayers would fall onto Earth, slipping through the atmosphere and sinking into the mud never to be seen or heard anymore. A human would be left in shambles, trapped in an eternal nightmare until it decays in solitude with emptiness. Terra would be hell.

All of these leave people to hope for a miracle.

A miracle is just a child's dream, as we make our own miracles. They seek to be satisfying to the user but only end up doing worse. Miracles that leave society in shards, miracles that leave families and friends torn apart, miracles that make someone notice the pointlessness in their own struggles.

Miracles that were formed through excuses.

I ask you, what is the point of living?

What would be the point in overturning your destined fate? What would be the point of scorching Terra to achieve a single goal?

You were never meant to become who you are. You only sought to live a simple life with no need for pensive thoughts. You only wanted to be free of the memories that haunt you. 

You were given a choice. A choice to stop and end the nightmare in front of your eyes.

So why do you continue to walk this path? 

Would it be worth it?


My dear brother.

The world is burning,

And we are the fuel.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.


First edition, all philosophic shit that most wouldn't give a fuck to read. Everything is subject to change. Yes this is under <1000 words to prevent utter confusion.

Logistics was meant to be a light-hearted story on the surface. By the time you finish this, I think you can tell it isn't that anymore.

Heavily inspired by Arcaea's storytelling, it intrigued me a lot and I think I'll be studying that method for a while tbh

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