Chapter 3: Get To Know Me

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Chloe hugs Tsukishima and I notice the grimace on his face.

"That wasn't necessary," Tsukishima says to Chloe.

"Oh shut it mister grump, you know you like it. Hey Yams, I missed you," Chloe says before walking over to Yamaguchi and hugging him.

"I missed you too Chloe. How have you been?" Yamaguchi asks Chloe.

"From the looks of it, better than you two," Chloe says pointing to Yamaguchi and I. "I must say. that was quite an entrance," Chloe giggles.

I feel my face going red from the memory.

*Tsukishima's POV*

I notice Y/N quietly gasp as she holds her breath after Chloe's comment. Yeah I've seen that face before, it's the expression Yamaguchi also has on right now. Sigh, I guess I'll save these two idiots from their embarrassing memory just this once.

"Enough about that. The questions are up on the board. Let's get this over with," I say to the group. "Question one, what's your favorite animal?" I ask the group.

"Oh oh! Easy, frogs are the best!" Yamaguchi says with excitement.

"Nah, honey badgers are superior. They're so badass," Chloe says, bringing a chair next to me so she can sit down.

"I actually quite like giraffes," Y/N says in a slow voice.

"Sorry hon, can you say that again? I couldn't hear you," Chloe asks Y/N.

"Jesus Chloe, your ears are so old. She said Giraffes," Yamaguchi chuckles at Chloe.

Then almost at the same time, all three of them turn to me, like they are expecting me to actually talk. I hear the chair of Y/N shuffle against the floor as she moves just slightly closer to the group and I. I turn to look at Y/N and catch the sparkle in her eyes again. Sigh, I guess I can indulge them a little.


"I actually don't have a favorite animal," Tsukishima says to the group.

"Yeah right, don't act like you don't have dinosaurs all over your room, nerd," Chloe laughs out.

Wow, she's been in his room? I wonder how close they are. Are they...

"Question two," Tsukishima says, loud enough to quiet Chloe's laughter and your thoughts. "What is one thing we would never guess about you?".

Yamaguchi starts it off by saying, "Ooohh I guess that I have a bad temper at times". "Well it's very rare when you go rogue, but yeah it's quite surprising," Chloe comments. "As for me, it always surprises people when I tell them I don't like chocolate, so I guess that."

"Wait, it's not normal to dislike chocolate? Weird, I'm with you on that one though." I say. I get a mixture of reactions with that comment.

First, Chloe gets excited. I'm guessing it's knowing that there is someone else that also doesn't like such a worshiped treat. Second, Tsukishima who seems unbothered. He's been like that most of the time here. He's quite a stoic individual. Third, there's Yamaguchi who looks like he's been shot in the heart. I'm guessing he's one of the worshipers of chocolate.

Pfft. This is quite an interesting group.

"Are all girls this uncultured!?" Yamaguchi exclaims a little too loudly, causing a few people around us to turn his direction. He shrinks in his seat a bit after that.

Chloe and I giggle a little bit at the sudden outburst from Yamaguchi, followed by his immediate embarrassment. I feel bad for laughing at Yamaguchi so I try to hold back my laugh the whole time. Meanwhile, Chloe doesn't care how loud her laugh is, she goes all out when laughing at her friend's embarrassment. It takes a while for her to calm down, but once she's done there's a small silence.

I almost forget where I am, that's how much fun I'm having. I don't forget where I am from anxiety, my imagination running wild, boredom, or sleepiness. It's joy. I don't remember the last time I felt this way.. Have I ever felt this way?

That's when someone clearing their throat distracts me from my thoughts. I was just smiling like a weirdo looking at the three people in front of me, admiration in my eyes, when I made eye contact with the person who made that sound.

"I guess me being in volleyball always surprises people. Something about my personality not matching the sport or whatever," Tsukishima says, looking at me the whole time he spoke then quickly looking away.

"Volleyball? Is it fun? I've never been in an actual sports club or anything." I say.

*Tsukishima's POV*

I've never seen someone's eyes sparkle this much. Why is she so enthralled by something so simple? Better question, where did all the air in my lungs go?

I clear my throat and look away. "It's whatever. It's a good way to pass time. Nothing special."

"If you're so curious, why don't you try out for the girls volleyball team with Chloe?" Yamaguchi asks. "Yeah! I was a little nervous about trying out by myself. Then that way everyone in this group can be in volleyball. We can finally practice 2v2's again-" Chloe stopped talking after I gave her a look. I'm glad she got the hint. That's not something I want to think about.

There's an awkward silence so I read off the third question. "What's your favorite memory from last year?"

"Volleyball with Tsukishima was very fun" Yamaguchi starts off.

"I would say teasing Mr. Smith. He was a very cool teacher that let me do just about anything because I did so well in his class." Chloe says, mainly directed at Y/N since Yamaguchi and I already know this.

"I think-" Y/N starts to say before the teacher interrupts her.

"Alright class. Before the bell rings, I need a couple volunteers to come in after school today to help clean and set up the class. Since athletes get a pass the whole year, I was thinking about making them the first ones to do it while they still can. So can all the athletes raise their hand?"

"Us four! We would like to volunteer," Chloe says, pointing at Yamaguchi, Y/N, and I. I really did not miss her volunteering me for random stuff like this. I just want to go home.

"Perfect, you four will do." 

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