Chapter 2: First Encounter

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*Tsukishima's POV*

Stupid Yamaguchi. Of course he's late on the first day, only idiots are late on their first day. I mean look at all the people running around aimlessly like headless chickens.

Looking out the window, I sigh in disappointment at the sight of dozens of students with no awareness of time at all. I sigh once again once I catch sight of my Yamaguchi, who's practically sprinting from the entrance. Well it's about time.

As Yamaguchi makes a sharp turn in the direction of my building, I notice he's looking at where he should be going, not at the person that is right in front of him. Right as his eyes shift from the building to the person, they collide. Of course, I'm not even surprised. He's never had spatial awareness, or just any awareness of his surroundings.

Man, this teacher is really boring, just the routine 'get to know me' speech. Every teacher is the same. At least Yamaguchi isn't missing out on anything important. Turning to see where Yamaguchi is now, I notice that he's walking with the person he knocked over in the direction of my building. It's only now that I notice it's a girl. It's also when I notice the slight pink on Yamaguchi's cheeks as she's trying to make conversation with him.

I wonder if he's blushing because there's a girl next to him, the fact that someone is talking to him at all, or because he's embarrassed about knocking her over. Honestly, it could be all of the above. The two start speed walking, jogging, then sprinting. I struggle a little to hold in a slight chuckle from the sight of Yamaguchi's state. I get distracted from the hair slightly hitting his shoulder and turn my attention towards the girl next to him. She has a pleasing (your face shape) face, practically sparkling (your eye color) eyes, but the thing I notice the most is the fact that her smile is slowly growing the closer they are to the building. Just as they disappear from my view in the direction of the building entrance, I realize that there's still sound in the classroom I'm in. Oh, I'm still in class.

"Alright well that's enough about me. Let's begin by taking attendance and then we will do icebreakers in groups," the teacher announces.

Oh great, icebreakers. Yamaguchi better get to class before them so I can have him talk in the group I'm in instead of me. The teacher is already taking attendance. I hear her call out a couple of names and students saying "here" or "present", when...

"F/N L/–," the teacher calls out, right as the door to the classroom swings open and reveals the two idiots I just saw running a few seconds ago.

"Here!" The girl screams, but is toned down with the gasps of breath, so it's not too much of a scream.

Well that's one way to make a dramatic entrance. Both the girl, Y/N, and Yamaguchi have tints of pink on their cheeks as every head in the room turns to look at them.

"Ah, welcome to class you two. I'd usually mark you tardy but it's only a few minutes and it's the first day of class, so I'll let it slide this once. Please take your seats wherever there's one available," the teacher says to Y/N and Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi notices me and starts heading in my direction but stops for a second once he sees how stunned the girl next to him is from the embarrassment of being late. He smiles at her and nods in my direction so she can follow, and to my surprise, she does.

There just so happens to be open seats in front and behind me available. So I may have warded off people to not bother me before class. It's all gone to vain now that Yamaguchi and this girl head to them. Yamaguchi takes the seat in front of me while the girl takes the seat behind me.

The teacher gets through the attendance fairly quickly. "Alright now since I don't want people to feel crazy pressured in talking in front of the class just yet, you can split into groups by yourselves for the icebreakers. You must have at least four people in your groups, but there is a max number of six people per group. I will write the questions on the board while you guys split into groups. Begin." The teacher announces.


I didn't hear a word the teacher just said, but everyone started shuffling around and talking. I look up for the first time since taking my seat, too ashamed to catch anyone's eyes.

"Hey Y/N, want to be in our group?" Yamaguchi calls out to me.

"Sure.. wait group for what?" I ask Yamaguchi, feeling even more embarrassed than before, if that's even possible.

"Groups for icebreakers. Can I join you three? You need at least four people anyways." a voice behind me speaks, making me jump a little after I notice just how close he is to me.

"Jake, no one wants you in their group yet again? Don't you think there's a reason for that?" The boy in front of me says to the boy with no awareness of personal space.

"Shut it. What's your name again? I didn't catch it." the boy, Jake, asks.. Oh shoot he's talking to me.

"Um.." I start to say, feeling very uncomfortable with how Jake invited himself into my personal bubble. "She didn't say her name for you to catch," the boy in front of me, Tsukishima I think it was, says to Jake.

I look over at Tsukishima and give a thank you smile before I hear another voice join the mix.

"Jake, screw off, you must have known I was going to join their group to make four. Go away." A girl with long black hair says, grabbing Jake from the shoulder and pushing him away.

"Tsk, whatever loser," Jake says before he walks away.

Feeling all the more grateful for the people in front of me, I sigh from relief so loud that all three people in front of me turn to me as my head falls on my desk. Except my head doesn't hit the desk. I feel something warm against my forehead, something that makes my skin tingle a little. I raise my head and realize that it's a hand. The hand belonging to Tsukishima.

"Wouldn't want you to lose the remaining brain cells on your first day, now do we?" He says to me.

Stunned, I feel pink start to crawl on my cheeks before the girl standing to my side speaks.

"That's not very nice Tsuki, give... hey what's your name?" The girl asks me.

"Y/N," I say. "Nice to meet you Y/N, my name is Chloe," she says to me and then turns back to Tsukishima to finish her sentence, "Give Y/N a break, we all need time to adjust back into school".

Chloe then walks toward Tsukishima and hugs him.

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