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Third person's POV

Aleck looked out the window of Bru's car, following every single drop of rain that hit the glass. He was glad to be out of the house. He had an argument with his dad, like always. His dad wasn't the same ever since his mom died. It was a big lost for all, but it brought out the worst side of him. Now the relationship between Aleck and his dad was strained, they couldn't have a regular conversation without arguing.

Aleck was lost in his own world again, he didn't hear Bru calling him. "Aleck? Aleck?"

"What?" Aleck replied.

"What? Well one second you're joking around, and the next, you leaned your head against the window and stare at the rain" Bru said half laughing, half concerned.

"I do that all the time. You should be used to it by now." He replied, looking at his friend through the corner of his eye.

Bru pressed his lips together but never took his eyes off the road. He knew something was off, but didn't want to ask, because he was one hundred percent sure what it was.

Aleck turned his gaze back to the window. He noticed that he didn't recognize the neighborhood where they were driving. "I thought we were going to Dom's place." He stated.

"Oh we are. But Josiah and Jasper needeed a ride." Bru explained. "Did you know that Dom's sister is back in town?"

Aleck suddenly forgot about his dad and the road, and without wanting to, he became anxious to know more details about Dominic's sister."Lian?" He asked, sounding stupidly excited.

"Well of course Lian. Dominic only has one sister, Maniac." Bru Laughed.

Aleck had a huge crush on Lian since they were little kids, when Dom, Bru and him used to hang out. His feelings got cut off when she moved to New York with her mom. He never really told anybody about how he felt, but he was sure that Bru knew somehow. He was never able to hide anything from him, mostly because he was the worst liar in the world.

Again, Aleck was lost in his own world, but was quickly ripped from it when he heard a car honk and wheels squeak. The car jerked to the left and he held on to the door. Bru cursed  and twisted the steering wheel in different directions to get full control of his 2009 black Dodge Challenger.

     Aleck looked out the window and saw a giant red truck, Inches away from them. His heart started racing, and he jumped when the truck honked again. Finally Bru gained control of his car and they were out of the truck's way without a scratch. They heard the truck driver scream something at them but Aleck couldn't make out what it was. Bru looked through his rearview mirror and apologized in a volume only he could've  heard.

     He parked the car in front of a random house to catch his breath. "Holy crap." He sighed in relief, running his fingers through his short, light brown hair.

"Jesus Christ, Sean! How did they ever agree to give you a drivers license?" Aleck blurted out breaking the silence that had taken over.

   Bru turned to him, locking his giant green eyes with aleck's brown ones. "What? He came out of nowhere." he argued.

"No, you came out of nowhere. You where going fifty five on a thirty!" Aleck responded. "and they call me Maniac?"

   Bru smirked. "Whatever. Going with the speed limit is no fun and you know it." He said and started driving again.

   They pulled into Josiah's house and honked the horn. The two boys came out of the front door. Josiah, a tall skinny guy, pale as paper with extremely black hair and light blue eyes that stood out from a mile away. He was followed by Jasper, also tall, six feet at least, dirty blonde hair and big brown eyes

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