Lydia's Journal

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June 3rd, 1859

 My name is Lydia. Imma slave under the control of Augustus W. Flynt. I is living in South Carolina at Boone Hall Plantation. I learns to write from Colette, master Flynt's daughter. This mawning I had to get up many hours before sunrise because I had to help pick cotton. Usually I work inside, but they wanted me to help harrvst. 'Morrow I should be back in the house taking care of the baby and doing the chores. I have to leave now before i gets in trouble for being late. I do not want to be whipped or branded t'day.

June 4th, 1859   

 The cotten harrvest was verry long, hawt, and hard. I feel bad for the kids hoo do this eveeryday. Today I am taking care of the baybee and Colette is hellping me. I telled Colette that my name is from a Bible story and she writed down the verses in this book.

14 One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message. 15 When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. "If you consider me a believer in the Lord," she said, "come and stay at my house." And she persuaded us. Acts: 14-15

 I am verry scared that Colette will get in trouble and her will get arressted for breaking slave code. She say not to worree but I do. I am not scared of being whipped and branded for learning to write because I wants to be educated. It is time for me to go back to me cabin and tell Colette g'nigh.

June 5th, 1859

    T'day when I was at the massterrs house Colette telled me of something called the Underground Railroad. I asked why there was a train under the dirt and she laughed. She said that it is a secret way for slaves to find freedom. It goes from here to Canada and wonce you get to Canada, you is free. I must ask the Moses at church on Sunday. Moses nose lotts of seecrets.

June 6th, 1859

     Today after church I asked Moses what the Underground Railroad was and he pulled me out side. He asked me were I heard about it and I sayed it was a seecret. He tolded me that the Underground Railroad is a secret way for slaves to go to get to Canada and be free.  Moses is going to leave on the Underground Railroad soon. I wish to join him. He says it is too dangerous and that I could be killed. I sayed that I have nothing to live for if I dont have freedom. I have no family here. My family was all traded too another master ,but I stayed here.  Moses finally gave in and he told me stories about other people who escaped on the Underground Railroad like Henry Brown who was sent in a box to hide and to not  be found. He also told me about Levi Coffin who is the president of the Underground Railroad. I was scared, but I knew that I couldn't be here for another minit.

June 7th, 1859

    T'day I was going to tell Colette that I was leaving, but I just couldn't. 'Morrow night is wen we leave. I will leave Colette a note that tells her because I am too chicken to. I shouldnt be scared to leave her a note telling her of me leaving because I am risking my life for freedom. But I am also risking my friendship for freedom. Is that the right thing to do?

June 8th, 1859

    I feel like Colette can sense that something is wrong. Today, before I left, she gave me a Bible. She gave me a big hug and told me that I was her best friend and that she loved me. I made sure to keep her address so I could mail her. I walked to my cabin and gathered my little belongings. The last thing I packed was my Bible, wrapped in my mother's dress. I snuck out to Moses' cabin where he was waiting with some other boys around his age. He picked me up and put me on his back and we started to leave the plantation. This is when my new life begins.

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