Just a Bit of Fun ~ Matt

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* ^Taken from maxkeliehor's Instagram ^ * 

Ryleigh's P.O.V

"Hi guys, welcome back or welcome to our YouTube channel. Today, we have a special guest for you" Nick smiles as we stand in my family's dance studio "We're here at the Brown Dance Academy here in Boston with our friend Ryleigh who is a really, really good dancer" Chris smiles looking over at me as I stood between Nick and Matt. "Ry is a professional dancer and dance teacher, but her speciality is ballroom dancing which neither of us can dance" Matt laughs "So this video is going to be them failing and falling, a lot" I smile before stepping out of the frame and turning the stereo on and taking my jacket off while the boys turned off their camera and reset it so you could see the studio. 

"Are any of these yours?" Chris asks looking at the back of the room at the rows of trophies and ribbons "I don't really 'have' any since ballroom is a partner type of dance" I say walking over and pointing to one of the bigger ones with Ryleigh Brown and Colton Hamper embroidered on the stand of the trophy. "Alrighty! Cause you guys suck at dancing, I thought I might need some help" I say loudly and my dance partner Colton walks into the room. "You remember Colton?" I say smiling at him, as he was also my boyfriend of three years "So we're going to show you guys a few steps then you're going to try" I smile, pressing the play button for the stereo and dancing a few steps. Stopped and looked at the triplets who, surprisingly, all had the same surprised and confused look. "It's really simple, I promise," I say smiling and walking over to Matt. 

"Take my hand and put the other on my back" I say reaching for his hand, wrapping my arm around him and resting my hand on the middle of his back "Follow my lead" I whisper stepping back and pullng Matt's uncoordinated feet with me "Ready for a spin?" I asks smiling, before he even had time to react, I spin our feet in a circle and spin the two of us around his brothers and Colton. Taking turns with the boys and dancing with them after an hour. "I think they've got it" Colton smiles as we gave them the easiest dance we know and teach our six year olds "I think they've got it" I repeat, smiling as I look at the triplets. "Show us what you've learnt. Show your fans" I laugh knowing they've improved, just not a lot. Nick and Chris go first and while, they tripped and landed on the floor within the first five steps. 

"Need a partner?" I ask, walking over and Colton starts the music. Watching Matt look down at his feet throughout the dance, "Eyes on me Matty B" I whisper quietly, as we spin. Smiling as we completed the dance successfully but I know my toes and feet are going to be bruisied tomorrow morning but it's fun filming with the triplets. "Damn Matt! Ry's boyfriend is right here!" I hear Nick tease but Cole and I are comfortable in our relationship...I think. Smiling as I let go of Matt after he spins me out as the song fades out and Chris and Nick step into frame for their outro. 

"Wanna come get some food with us? We're thinking McDonald's" Chris asks and I lool ove at Cole who nods "Yeah, sure" I reply and we pile into Matt's mini van to get the foods. I hand out the burgers, fries and nuggets to the guys and laugh and talk with my friends. Glancing over at Matt as we talk, I realise that the feelings I had for him when we were thirteen/fourteen, when I found out what a crush was, and one that didn't go away I guess. Jumping a little as the sliding door shut, I look over and see the back of Cole's head walking away from the van "What was that about?" I question, looking the identical three faces, "Seriously?" Chris asks "I'll be back". 

"Cole! Cole!" I call chasing after him, he stops and turns around "What Ry?" "Why'd you leave?" "You still like him", now it was my time to be confused "Like who?" I decide to play dumb. "Oh come on Ry! You used to look at me that way! I saw the way you danced with him this afternoon" Cole says calmly at me "I danced with all of them. They're are friends, I look at them as friends look at each other" I say continuing to play dumb, "You like Matt, Ryleigh". I didn't want to be one to say it but it's true, I do like Matt and I know it's wrong to while being with Cole but he's been my best friend for years. "Sorry Cole, can we still be friends?" I ask watching him now carefully "Course Ry. It was fun, being your boyfriend" He smiles before looking down "I'll see you at dance then" Cole says before continuing to walk around the block to the dance academy, where he had parked his car. 

I walk back to the van alone, "Can you drive me home Matt?" I ask quietly "What was that about? Where's Cole?" Matt Nick asks grabbing the trash while Matt starts the car "We broke up. He's going back to his car" I mumble quietly and remain silent for the rest of the car ride. "Thanks boys. Today was fun" I whisper as I get out and wave the van goodbye from the front door. 

**Hello, Charlie here. What do you guys think of this one-shot? Idk how to feel about it cause it was sort rushed and I didn't have much of a storyline, just an idea, but I think it all worked out in the end. Also what do we think of the new cover? Thought it should have the boys on it. Anyways, if you have ideas or requests, leave them in the comments below or dm me. The girl that asked about the panic attack one, it's coming, I promise! ~ Byeeeee Charlie**

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