Two-Month Rule ~ Chris

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* ^Taken from Chris' Instagram^ *

Cassie's P.O.V

"Chris Sturniolo?! You're new boyfriend is Christopher Struniolo?! Cass, come on you know he doesn't date anyone for more than two months" "You know I'm afraid of commitment, this will work out. It's just a bit of fun for the winter" I reassure my cousin when I tell her about my new boyfriend. 

*Two Months Later*

"You remember what I said when we first started dating?" Chris asks as we sit in my car, having ice cream after going bowling for one of our dates "Yeah, that you don't want to get to attached. And you have a reputation for not dating anyone longer than two months" I say knowing full well what I agreed to when we first started dating, I'm not ready for a serious long-term relationship but I was sick of being alone. "Yes, that. We've been dating for two months..." He says and I can see he's nervous about breaking up "Chris, I know. I know that once I drop you off tonight, you'll send a text message saying how the past two months have been great but you can't see me anymore" I say smiling at his nervousness, not like he hasn't done this too at least three other girls this year. 

We continue hanging out in my car for a few more hours before I drive him home and pull up outside his apartment complex. "I guess my two months are up," I say to try and break the tension as he doesn't get out of my car "I suppose so. It has been a lot of fun with you Cassie, really" Chris says looking over at me. I nod in response, "The past two months have been a lot of fun Chris" I say smiling softly watching him and I notice him start to lean in. "I gotta go, Chris," I say quietly, knowing if he kissed me goodbye, this wouldn't be the light breezy two-month relationship we both agreed to. I watch him leave and head into his apartment building and I drive over to my aunt's place as she was my legal guardian from when I was thirteen and I continue to live with her now as a legal adult, with my cousin, Maddi. 

I pull up to my aunt's place and grab my bag from the bag and see Chris had left his jumper on the seat. Sighing as I'm not supposed to see him again after we broke up, heading inside, I figured I'd just ask Maddi or my aunt Laura to give the jumper back at their next meeting or function. "Hey Cassie, how was your date? When do we get to meet him?" My aunt asks as I set my things on the table "You won't. We broke up today" I say, disappointed but I knew it was coming so I'm not a complete wreck. "I've got to meet with the boys tonight, but I can stop and pick up some takeaway for dinner" Laura suggests, "That'd be nice. Thanks" I say smiling "When you go, can you give this back to Chris?" I ask picking up the first edition of his Fresh Love jumper "How?!" "When did you get that Cass?" Maddi asks, piping up from the couch, and looking over at the jumper "Chris left it in my car, that time when I drove him to one of his first clothing brand meetings. You were there when I gave him a lift on my way to work" I say as I did drop him off but I didn't go to work after dropping him off. 

Maddi had returned home from her meeting with Laura and the boys an hour ago and we were watching a movie when my phone buzzed. "Hoped you would be bringing back my jumper" Chris texted "Laura was seeing you sooner then I was" I rely back. "Who ya texting?" Maddi asks "No one, Luke" I lie, saying I was texting my little brother who was back in Jersey "Luke's not making you smile like that. Is it the ex-boyfriend who broke up with you today, who I saw two hours ago?" Maddi asks, smiling as she knows she's right. "How'd you know?!" I ask shocked she knew as I thought we kept it a pretty secret "It's Chris! He told me about two weeks ago!" She laughs loudly. "He was pretty bumed tonight, at the meeting by the way" Maddi continues talking to me about Chris at the meeting "I think you were with him, exactly what both of you need" "Mads, stop! We both knew it was only going to be short and just a bit of fun to get through the winter" I say, not completely heartbroken but it still sucks not being with him "Go! Go see him. He wants to see you!" Maddi says going and handing me my keys. "Maddi, we agreed two months. He's probably already moved on to his next girl for the next few months. It's fine" I say putting my car key back down on the table. 

**Hello, Charlie here, yeah I'm alive. Sorry for not updating in a while, I just haven't been motivated to edit or write sorry. I recently watched "Boy Meets World" and Shawn Hunter inspired this chapter for Chris. Hope you enjoyed it. This one-shot in NO WAY implies anything about Chris, it's just an imagine! This story has just over 100k reads?! Holy shit. Thank you!! If you have any suggestions or ideas for future chapters, comment down below or dm me. I promise more are coming that have already been asked previously. ~ Byeeeee Charlie** 

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