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Mina West, 22, August 7, 1993

Mina is the first of her kind at Saint Mansfield Criminal Housing. She is the youngest woman to have ever been admitted. She is also the first American woman.

Mina was convicted of killing 45 people in a fire at her workplace. She then proceeded to attempt to set herself on fire, by witness account.

Alibi unknown.

Mina is to be kept handcuffed at all times.

Mina has been known to have schizophrenia and often is nervous or bashful when around large crowds. Sometimes she is seen appearing to talk to herself. Mina is also prone to panic attacks.

Normally, she would have been sent to a mental institution, but they were ruled out inhumane and done away with 3 years ago.

Ms. West is to stay at Saint Mansfield for life without parole.


Humans are despicable beings.

And I don't believe that they deserve to inhabit this earth.

Beautiful lands should be ruled by beautiful owners.

But humans unfortunately, are far from beautiful.

I have witnessed mothers killing their own children; Children killing their own mothers.

I've seen beggars be kicked to the ground just for coughing in another person's direction.

I've witnessed innocent people get killed cold blood murder.

I've seen with my own two eyes.

Yes, humans are ugly, foul creatures.

They are cold, empty, unfeeling bodies that happen to hold a soul.

They are liars, cheats, and stealers.

They are sad, hopeless people,
Living in a sad, hopeless world.

And the worst part, I think,

Is that all of us,

Every single one of us,

Is a part of it.

And every single one of us,

Has to accept it.

We can't change it.

Nobody can change such a godforsaken place.


All we can do is sit in silence,

And suffer.

Each and every one of us.

Fuck the world,

Fuck this life.

Damn this city,

Damn my family,

And everyone else who was supposed to be there for me.

I curse the name of life and everything with it.

I curse the name of what anyone on this terrible planet thinks of as good.

Because it's not.

Good doesn't exist in a world like this,

And if I get lucky,

I won't either.

Because I am human,

And all monsters are human.


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