Ep 1 - Pilot - Part 5

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"Take me home!" She all but yelled.

Looking into the rear mirror he said, "No." Short and sternly.

Constance glares through the mirror and the doors lock themselves, Sam momentarily struggles with the handle before remembering he can't just leave Stiles, and before he stops the gas pedal pressed down and the car begins to drive itself. He struggles to steer, trying to go opposite of the way that Constance wants him to go. But the wheel has a will of his own following Constance's commands.

Sam keeps looking for escape strategies, but it seems hopeless. Through the mirror Constance flickers slightly.

After nearly five minutes of fighting a losing battle the car pulls up in front of Constance's house and stops, lights and engine included.

Sam looks in the rear view mirror. "Don't do this."

She flickers, her voice sad as she speaks. "I can never go home."

The gears quickly turning in Sam's mind he replies. "You're scared to go home." But when Sam looks back Constance isn't there. The passenger door flung open as someone pulled Stiles from the car. Then the door immediately slammed shut once more. "Where is he!?" He yells, but she doesn't appear or respond.

He urgently glances around and back and Constance was sitting where Stiles had previously been. She climbs into his lap, shoving him back against the seat hard enough to cause a forced recline. Sam struggles as much as he can as she speaks, "Hold me. I'm so cold."

"You can't kill me. I'm not unfaithful. I've never been!" Sam yells, trying to push her off, but it seems most of his strength has left him.

Then in a sly quiet but firm voice she responds. "You will be. Just hold me." Constance kisses Sam as he continues to struggle, reaching for the keys. SHe pulls back and disappears, he sees a flash of something horrible behind her face as she vanishes.

Sam looks around for a moment, then yells in pain and yanks his hoodie open. There are five new holes burned through the fabric, matching Constance's fingers: she flickers in front of him, her hand reaching into his chest.

A gunshot goes off, shattering the window and startling Constance. Dean approaches, still firing at her. She glares at him and vanishes, then reappears, and Dean keeps firing until she disappears again. All the while Sam manages to sit up and start the car.

Then in a commanding voice he says, "I'm taking you home."

Sam drives forward, Dean staring after the car as it smashes through the side of the house. Dean hurries through the wreckage to the passenger side of the car. "Sam! Sam! You okay!?"

Though Sam is very much dazed and in pain he responds. "I think..."

"Can you move?" Dean asks urgently.

After a second of testing his pain tolerance Sam responds. "Yeah. Help me?"

Dean leans through the window to give Sam a hand. Though as soon as Sam exits the car his thoughts fly to the person missing. Then he turns to Dean, a silent question being asked.

"I got him out." Sam sighs, but it's interrupted when Constance picks up a large framed photograph of herself and her children. She looks up, glaring at them and throws the picture down. A bureau flies toward Sam and Dean, effectively pinning them against the car. The lights flicker. And Constance looks around, her expression showing fear. Water begins to pour down the staircase, she walks over and at the top of the staircase is the Boy and Girl from the photograph.

They hold hands as they speak in chorus. "You've come home to us, Mommy."

Constance looks at them, distraught. Suddenly they are behind her, embracing her tightly as she begins to scream, her image flickering. In a sudden surge of energy Constance and the two children melt into a puddle on the floor. Her screaming comes to a stop as the puddle vanishes.

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