In That Moment, I Swear We Were Coffee

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Sydney's POV

While walking to my 2pm class with Mr. I'm-the-sexiest-Professor/Asshole-ever I realized that eating that 2 day old mexican food for breakfast and then drinking cocaine strong coffee probably wasn't the best idea. It felt like my throat was on fire.

On top of that, I was really scared that I might get some spontaneous gas in the middle of class and like release a fart that might cause the room to have to be evacuated.

Yeah, I think about some weird shit. I know.

Honestly, I almost didn't bother going to class on that particular day. I had a bad feeling about the day all together. It was just not a good day for me to be a functioning part of society. But against my better judgment, I still went on with it.

As I was walking into the Philosophy building I heard a loud rumble and looked up to see what looked like a fucking apocalypse cloud beginning to take over the sky. Great. I was wearing flip flops. It is so much fun to walk home in the rain wearing flip flops.

I was 15 minutes early. I made it a point to be at least 10 minutes early for Professor Howell's class whenever possible. There was no way I was going to give him the pleasure of getting to fly at me about something so easily.

Truthfully I loved going back and forth with him. He didn't take my shit. Most of the time people backed down from me when I got sassy with them but not Professor Howell. He was even worse than me though I would never let him know it.

I walked into his room to see that he was already at his desk but I didn't speak to him because he was looking down at a piece of paper writing. As I sat down, I noticed for the first time that he was left handed. Interesting.

I pulled out my notebook and flipped to the notes from the last class we had before leaning back in my desk and picking up my coffee to sip from it while watching him shamelessly. Did he really have to be so beautiful? I mean this guy was grade A masturbation material. At that point I had named my detachable showerhead Dan.

"So, how's that fleshlight treating you?" I spoke up as I looked down at my notebook and turned a page so it wouldn't look like I had been gawking at him.

"Wonderfully, thanks," he answered. I looked up to see that he was still looking down at the paper, however after a couple of seconds he glanced up from it to me. "Did you sell your laptop for money to buy alcohol?" he asked me, gesturing towards my notebook with his pen.

I looked down at my notebook and for the first time since I met that man I found myself actually feeling offended by something he said. I know. Weird, right? It was an off day.

"I don't really drink," I said as I looked down at my coffee cup. I didn't want to look at him for some reason. I didn't even want to respond. I actually found myself wanting to walk out of the room. I knew I should have stayed in bed. I finally managed to look up at him and noticed that he was wearing a white button down that he looked fucking delicious in. Regardless, he had just gotten on my bad side for the day so I had to say something. "Did you sell your dignity for that shirt?"

He looked down at himself then back at me, smirking. "No, I bought it with money, which is this crazy stuff you get when you work," he answered. "It's all complex, you probably wouldn't understand it. Maybe you should ask your parents to explain it to you sometime," he offered.

Of all the things he could have said, he had to say that. Poor guy. He really had no idea how bad the door of crazy he just opened was.

I stared at him with a blank expression for about five seconds before standing up from my desk, taking two steps and then thrusting my coffee cup towards him which, of course, caused it to splash all over his shirt he sold his dignity for. "You are a completely heartless piece of shit," I told him before throwing the cup towards my left. It hit something but I wasn't paying attention to what it was because I was already turning around to grab my bag and notebook.

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