Oh the band camp.

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Every band has band camp. Wether that's what they call it or not is another story. Our Band, it really isn't even a camp. We just come back and leave every day. AND REPEAT! If you're a band person, that line scared you just a little bit.

At band camp, you learn how to be a band nerd. Believe this or not, you have to learn how to stand, hold your instrument, march NOT WALK IN UNISON, memories a ton if music, learning how to read and do drill, and how not to move when the director says SET!

People think 'oh but that's to easy'...

Oh really.



I want to see you stand feet together, inline with with your hips, inline with your shoulders, inline with your ears, then having your arms in perfect angles right by your face, an keep this perfect position WITH OUT moving.

Does that sound easy? You're probably thinking Im over exaggerating.


While being perfectly at SET and not moving, your outside, mid summer, the hot sun beating down on you, water just sounds like the most amazing thing ever. You haven't gotten a drink in an hour. Then the Directors threaten, 'if any one moves, the longer it is before you get water.'

Let me tell you, THAT SENTENCE KILLS!

Cause 9 times outa 10, that ONE person, has to relax when it was NOT okay.

Looks like water is now only in the future.

Then the actual marching.


Never ever ever ever step off with your right foot. You will die. Not literally, you just get in a lot of trouble.

Also it's-


Do that with each foot but remembering to stay in step with everyone else. And keep on beat. For gods sake, Stay. In. Step. With everyone else and the music.

Speaking a music, before competitions, you have to remember like 4 pages of music. In like, a month. Because by then, it's time for the lovely drill.

Drill, it tells us exactly where to be. Drill is life, man. And it sucks. Because half the time, the director will move you anyways. An it will really suck if they move you close to guard.

(Guard is the girls in different outfits with the big flags.)

You could get smacked upside the head by one of them girls. They have no mercy on your soul.

*One time at our band practice, the clarinets and trumpets had to go through a line of guard for a drill move and all of us got hit it the head at least one time through out the move.*

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