Chapter 14

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 Lola's P.O.V

I had finally passed out from exhaustion and pain but I quickly awoke when the door slammed shut again and Johnny walked in. "Please Johnny, for the love of God untie me and let me go. I'll never come back. I'll even leave town. I just need out," I begged tears filling my eyes.

"Lo, you know I can't do that," He said with a sad expression.

"You can though! I won't tell anyone and you can just say I was loose when you got here and I attacked you and ran off," I pleaded.

"How would I even play that off?" He asked confused.

"Untie me and I'll show you," I said hope lining my voice. He nodded and unlocked the locks keeping me tied up. "I'm so sorry," I said and punched him in the eye and then the jaw before grabbing some clothes and running off. I ran upstairs and saw Drake, Kinzey, and the girl from a few days ago cleaning up from breakfast. Drake spun around and I screamed.

"Lola?!" He yelled confused.

"Leave me alone Drake. I won't come back I swear, I'm even leaving town just please let me go," I begged falling to the floor in tears. He grabbed a walkie-talkie and called for Marco and Rassen. "No! Please!" I screamed covering my face.

"Drake?" Alison, I think her name is, asked confused holding Kinzey.

"This doesn't concern you. Take Kinzey and go sit in her room," He barked grabbing my arm. I started to sob into my arm.

"Go to your room," She whispered to Kinzey, and she ran off. "It concerns me now," She said sternly.

"I said go," He said growing angry.

"Drake, whatever is going on, I will help you sort it out and get her out of this house. She said she wouldn't come back, I don't see what the big deal is," She said with concern plastered on her face.

"Alright then," "This is Lola, I was going to ask her to marry me and be the one who stood by me for the rest of our lives. The day I was going to ask her I walk in on her fucking my best friend!" He yelled.

"This is the girl you told me about before?" She asked.

"Yeah, this is her," He said his eyes growing sad.

"It was an accident!" I yelled sobbing harder.

"You don't accidentally fall on a guys dick you stupid bitch!" Drake yelled a tear slipping down his rosy cheeks.

"It was a mistake Drake, I said I was sorry a hundred times!" I sobbed.

"That doesn't change what you did," He said looking away. Alison walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear. He smiled and looked over at her loosing his grip on my arm. He finally let go and I stood up slowly.

"Thank you so much!" I yelled and ran out of the house.

 Alison's P.O.V 

He let go of her arm and smiled at me. "Thank you," He said and kissed me.

"I will forever be by your side Drake. Nothing will change how I feel for you," I said and hugged him tightly. "What she did was wrong in every way but now she's gone and you don't have to worry about her anymore," I said and then called for Kinzey.

"Daddy?" Kinzey asked as I picked her up.

"Yes sweetheart?" He asked with a smile.

"Why was mommy crying?" She asked scared.

"It's nothing sweetheart but she's not your mommy, She's one of the bad guys daddy works to protect you against," He said kissing her forehead.

"Why don't Marco play with me anymores?" She asked now with a sad expression.

"Because Uncle Marco is busy helping Daddy protect you," He said and kissed her again.

"What exactly do you guys do?" I asked Drake after I kissed Kinzey's head.

"I'll tell you soon my love, very soon," He said and kissed me.

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