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(All the technology in this story is a mix from the 1970s to 2010s)

1942, Nazi German Reich, Berlin, Reich Chancellery

Hitler and his gang, Göering, Hess, Heydrich, Himmler, Bormann, Speer, and Goebbels were in the room because they had a reunion. After all, they rarely saw each other.

Adolf Hitler: Enjoy this reunion party, no need to worry about those Allied and Bolsheviks bastards.

Hermann Göering: Yes, it's rare for us to see each other, we met when we carried out the coup that ended in failure.

Rudolf Hess: And I won't forget that you accepted me in the Party.

Hitler: Everyone seems happy too, don't they, Himmler?

Heinrich Himmler: I agree, hehehe...

Hitler: Speer, how was the Germania miniature designed? Just go right?

Albert Speer: Everything is going well, Mein Führer..

But there was a powerful earthquake that shook the entire building area, they were shocked because this was happen all of the sudden. Without further ado, they sramble to find some cover.  

Martin Bormann: All right! Earthquake! Mein Fuhrer! Hide under the table! Everyone hide fast!!

Joseph Goebbels: Earthquake?! I didn't know there was an earthquake at this time!

They all hide until the earthquake stops after 5 minutes, then they come out of hiding, but they feel everything was not right for themselves.

Hitler: Everything is alright?

Göering: Mein Führer, why do you sound like an old man?

Hitler: What do you mean?

When they all stood up and faced the glass, they were astonished, because they all were old and wrinkled, tehy thought they still on aroun 40s or 50s, but turns out the earthquake make them very old and wrinkled.

(Old Adolf Hitler)

Hitler: What?! I'm this old?! Even though we are still in 1942!

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Hitler: What?! I'm this old?! Even though we are still in 1942!

(Old Hermann Göering)

(Old Hermann Göering)

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