Testing the Light of Mana strength and World of Mana leaders discussing

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At the back of the island, they saw a crowd and in front of the crowd a German general watched the German Marines shoot at Emma who was use a green box-shaped Mana shield.

(General Erich Schumann)

Schumann: Keep firing her!

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Schumann: Keep firing her!

The German Marines opened fire on Emma's Mana protective box, but not a single bullet was able to penetrate it

DMK Marine 9#: General! Our bullets can't penetrate it!

Schumann: Switch to (AP) Armor Piercing Rounds!

After all the German Marines reloaded, they again fired at the Mana protective box, but the result was the same, not a single bullet penetrated.

Schumann: Switch to Incendiary Rounds!

After changing bullets, they fired back at the Mana protective box, but the result was still the same, impenetrable at all

Schumann: It doesn't end ini here! MG Squads! Fire at her!

The MG troops came and installed the MG3 machine gun with large caliber bullets

The MG troops came and installed the MG3 machine gun with large caliber bullets

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DMK MG Marine 2#: General! All machine guns loaded and ready

Schumann: Shoot now!

All the machine guns started shooting at the Mana protective box, because so many bullets were spewed out, and it made dust fly and after the bullets were used up, they stopped firing.

Schumann: Heh! This only a piece of cake

But apparently, the Mana protective box is still intact and not penetrating at all

Schumann: Shoot the grenade and rocket launcher!

All the German Marines fired at the Mana protective box with grenade launchers and Panzerschreck rocket launchers, but after that, to no avail, The Mana protective box is still fine and there are not a few scratches or bullet marks going through

Schumann: Dang it! *calls* Captain! Are you still there?

Captain of Gotenland: <<We hear you, what do you need, General Schumann?>>

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